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Man these guys are all way too talented. My top 9 is getting real full lmao


- Kaia

p.s. let me know how the audio is for you guys, I think it's okay but I'm still tinkering with it




Honestly there's SOOO much in this episode and it has the highest highs and lowest lows of the season for me, but I'm just gonna stick to Tomboy team outside of this: Woonggi deserves EVERYTHING and I sincerely hope that his journey doesn't end here. Sungmin I have less hope of surviving, sadly. What an awful round for both of them, and I'm sad this will likely be Sungmin's exit from the show. I hope they're both able to find another company that will give them another chance as idols, seeing as WAKEONE pulled them from their group for what are most likely homophobic reasons related to Woonggi's hiatus before they were kicked out and WAKEONE not wanting to deal with actually protecting their artists from homophobic hate and choosing to completely restructure a survival show group with new members instead. (Which is a whole awful thing and unfortunately less conspiracy theory than it should be. TOOwice deserved better.) ESPECIALLY considering with the way they both talk, they've made it clear that they have no future in the debut group WAKEONE seems to be planning with the other trainees in the show. But yeah. TOMBOY! One of the best stages in the Produce Extended Universe history. Hui truly has come back into his voice after his enlistment period and I'm so happy for him, whatever happens with him be it making the debut lineup or going back to PTG. Hanbin also proved himself as a really, really fucking good vocalist. Crazy this guy didn't think he's good at it. He's very easily a solid lead vocalist. They all had fantastic vocals this round! I do wish they showed Hui helping them with them if he did, but sadly most of his BTS content was cut. I wish we saw more of him arranging the song too! :( Gunwook actually was ranked the best trainee for their entire category by the masters for training, you can see him on the board when they talk about the weakest team/trainee! They sadly didn't show it, which was very upsetting. I know they had a whole arc going on with Haobin here and it would break the mood, but I wish it would've been shown last week when he was getting all that praise. BUT! He killed this stage, even with no screentime this episode. A lot of kfans walked out of the live audience fans after originally being put off by his editing, apparently! Also, when Hao suggests a choreo idea, you can see Gunwook IMMEDIATELY go WE CAN ADD IT HYUNG and Hanbin even points at him and laughs LOL. Gunwook has become just as fond of his new hyung as Hao has become of him :') And the Haobin of it all... they truly remind me of PD48 Sakura and Chaeyeon and it's kind of killing me, in the best way possible. They are so remarkably tender, and they really strike me as two kindred souls. In a new clip they released, Hanbin squishes their cheeks together and admits he chose Tomboy because Hao was there when Hao directly asks him about it. They also just list off all the ways they're similar for why they get along, including that they both wanted to be teachers! They just seem to have formed a deep bond in such a short amount of time, and I'm grateful they had each other to lean on during them both hitting their Imposter Syndrome Slumps. But also, Hao is better than me LOL. If someone talked to me like that while giving me a massage, I'd be asking what we are LMFAO. And yeah. Hao. He truly came out the biggest winner of this round. He deserved all his flowers. What a fantastic vocalist. With a little more training, he could straight up be a main vocalist in the debut group. I think right now he sits somewhere in the Survival Show Main Vocal, Debut Group Lead Vocal range, but even just between rounds he showed such drastic improvement. And his stage presence! I would've been fine with any of them getting first, but I was rooting for Hao. My friends and I started tearing up watching live in voice call when he got it. OH. And the closest a Produce trainee has come to ranking first every single time was Jihoon in Broduce, but he obviously didn't debut as the center. That said, he never dropped out of the top 5 iirc? And guess what: Hanbin officially broke his first place streak! Which is insane. I think in the Chinese Produce spinoff someone may have gone all the way or close to it, but I'm not very familiar with those ones, although I'd love to get around to it! On that note, Season 2 aka Broduce is a really great show if you'd ever like to see a show where quite literally like 75% of the trainees are familiar faces because they've almost all debuted now. A short list: NU'EST, THE BOYZ, ONEUS, TEMPEST, AB6IX, CIX, NFLYING, and many more! Your plate is SOOO full right now though, but in some distant future I think you'd enjoy it.

hayun lee

the tomboy performance was kind of bittersweet to me </3 like they all killed it and im glad theyre going to mcountdown! but knowing that hui was rearranging and directing their performance, seeing him give himself by far the least amount of parts and shine was upsetting knowing how much hate he got after lmr for apparently having too many lines and "taking away the spotlight" :/ not to mention him and gunwook got absolutely zero screentime this ep too, and hui was barely captured in the performance at all 😭 it feels like now that mnet got all the noise and promotion they needed by having hui on the lineup, he's being discarded

Alani Gonzalez

The Zhang Shuaibo thing is crazy to me. The complete Mistranslation is shocking for me. Shuaibo said “We were never told about the things THEY wrote, we were also not unified during practice, being scolded is normal.” He said they were not unified enough during practice and never once blamed woonggi. He was talking in a northeastern mandarin dialect which may be a cause of misunderstanding. Shuaibo himself stated that Woonggi choreographed fast. He literally wanted Woonggi on the feel special team. Shuaibo asked for translators himself to translate the lyrics and other things to which Mnet didn’t do.


In Chinese survival shows, it is actually pretty common for a trainee to get 1st throughout the entire show (like multiple seasons)... mostly bc they are popular trainee pre-show and have a very strong and solid fanbase


If Woongki survives this elimination. I hope in an copium way. This will gain him a lot of new LOYAL voters. He has always had fans. Just not fans who vote for him. He in a way NEEDED this. It showed us, he’s serious and more then just the “💅 character” on this show. He felt real and desperate. I actually started crying when feel special came on. You could hear it in his voice and face. He was suffering inside but his desire and desperation to do good and show up and survive REALLLY shined. It was beautiful in a way.


Personally, I was not blown away by the tomboy performance. I think they performed how I expected they would so I was not surprised or impressed. I also do not feel that Hui really shined in this performance. He did great, and he sounded great, but he did not stand out against the others. Zhang Hao definitely stood out the most to me. I was so happy when he got first because he thoroughly deserved it. He really suits this song/concept perfectly.


i just saw this on reddit! i thought i would never be fooled by mnet, but here we are.. i still think he had a bad attitude about the entire performance, however that specific edit made it 10x worse.


I wish they showed this performance in ep 6 instead.. I'm worried he didn't get enough votes given that voting ended so quickly :(


For me, the most memorable performance was Limousine. It's something I would go back to watch time and time again. I had no idea Krystian had that type of voice! We really weren't shown anything from him skill wise, just that 'evil' edit. This actually applies to Anthonny and Jihoo too. They're so good!! I don't know how to feel about LAW winning over Zoom, because I absolutely loved their performance and thought they deserved number 1 instead. However, I also adore Phanbin, so I'm so happy he got those bonus points! Also, this is potentially controversial, but I much preferred Zihao's choreo to Yujin's. I feel like Yujin's slowed down the momentum. Altogether, this was such a stressful and frustrating episode given all the misunderstandings and attitudes that, to say the least, were not team oriented lol Next ep we have the eliminations which are also going to be super sad, I just know it. But hopefully the sports day segment cheers us up a bit!


One of the best things to come out of this episode is the Love Killa and Tomboy teams going to mcountdown to perform the songs to the original singers that are the MCs! I am sure the MCs will love that and the trainees maybe get a chance to interact with them would be so cool for them.

Mel Foster

No one in the Korean Produce series stayed as No.1 the whole show, but in the unofficial Chinese version (Idol Producer/Youth With You), a trainee called Cai Xukun placed first in every elimination round


I have a top 18 and even that doesn't feel like enough


Have you seen the behind the scenes for any of the episodes??? They’re so cuteee


it's crazy because i read the comments before i watch her reactions usually, so i wasn't expecting a whole lot based on this one. BUT THEY DEVOURED? like they all showed something different and outdid their last round performances tbh. they even added freaking choreo and that's crazy to me too, like how did they have TIMEEEE

hayun lee

this is actually incorrect 😭 i asked my friend who works as an interpreter just in case and she confirmed that within the context of the sentence the word unified wouldn't make sense or sound natural, and he most likely said 동의 (agree). the translations would be more accurate if there were more context to the situation, but the translations mnet included are more accurate than what his fans are saying.


Apparently, the audience broke the voting machine after the Tomboy performance because they were all pressing at the same time My faves of the round were probably the Tomboy and Limousine performance. I'm going to be so devastated if none of the Limousine trainees make it to through the elim.

Alani Gonzalez

And I’m assuming that friend specializes in a northeastern mandarin dialect? Because if they don’t they can’t be a reliable source. Because if they did the word is more accurately translated to “unified” “Together” not once did he ever agree. I’m also confused on how he would say 동의 when speaking Chinese?