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Hey again,

As promised here's a more detailed look at how I've shuffled things around with the schedule. I've even planned ahead to the end of April!

Moving forward I will try and provide one of these at the start of each month so not all of them will be this big lmao.

As you can see, I've started from this coming Monday (the 20th). For the most part not a huge amount is changing, I've basically just pushed a lot of the original schedule back a week and moved a couple things around to suit me.

For this weekend, my goal is to have a couple things up tonight and then Boys Planet and Twenty Five Twenty One tomorrow.

As always, please keep in mind that I am still in the process of moving and while I do have the time to film, there will more than likely be moments where I need to re-arrange a couple things to take care of other stuff. Once we get into April though, the move will be complete and things should be nice and stable again.

For anyone that may worry: this schedule is not pressure on me. It looks like more than it actually is and in reality this is a pretty lightweight schedule for me so I'm perfectly happy to continue like this. My anxiety break earlier this week had nothing to do with this schedule and everything to do with my absolute *need* to be out of my old apartment, which I am now.

Anyway, like I said I'm hoping to have a couple things up tonight so all going well I'll see you then.

Thanks again for your patience,

- Kaia



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