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So, just very quickly popping in to say that I've decided to stop putting the pressure/expectation on myself to get a certain number of episodes done for each show. I think I was putting too much on myself and it's better to just get as much as I can done any given day!

I've updated the schedule (which you can find in the pinned post) to just say which shows I'm doing when without episode numbers and I think this will be much better for both you and me when it comes to managing expectations.

All that being said, Fearless Kkura & Monsta X-Ray are both on the way, Learn Way will be up tomorrow :)

See you soon!

- Kaia


Solitary Shrimp

Only do what you can handle. ☺️ we will be here waiting patiently 🫶


You do you, we'll still be here, no worries.