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Hey guys,

Hope you've all been having a good weekend.

I've got a (hopefully) pretty exciting announcement which is that I'm gonna be officially bringing back survival shows to the channel!

I did briefly mention it I think when I watched the Boys Planet signal stage that I was considering it but I've now made a final decision.

For anyone new that doesn't know: I made the decision to stop watching older survival shows a while ago. At the time I found them incredibly draining and decided I would just focus on shows that came out in the future that I could watch as they aired.

Now, these shows will still be my priority. I will be watching Boys Planet when it officially starts and I also want to start watching Girls Re:Verse soon (if all goes to plan, I will do the first episode this coming week but I won't promise it just in case). However, recently I've been really wanting to dive back into some older shows so I'm going to start bringing them back most likely within the next 2-3 months. I would say sooner but with Boys Planet starting soon, I don't want to make a promise I can't keep.

Once I bring them back, one of my main priorities is going to be picking up and finishing Youth With You 2. Obviously I've seen various performances from the show now but that's only a small part of the show and I know how many of you really enjoy it so I'm looking forward to getting more into it. It'll be slow going once I pick it up again due to the length of the episodes but we'll get there.

Other shows I'm interested in include &Audition - The Howling, I-Land & Loud. I will also, eventually, likely go back to Produce 101 S02 and Produce X101 but those are a long way off for now.

Main thing to keep in mind: I'm gonna take my time with all of these. Last thing I wanna do is burn myself out with them again. Even with Boys Planet, I'm not gonna guarantee that I do every episode the week it comes out because sometimes that won't be possible. But I'll do my best to be as regular as I can be with all of these shows moving forward.

Hope this is as exciting a prospect for you guys as it is for me! Lots coming next week and my anxiety struggles are getting easier by the day so... yay!

See you soon,

- Kaia

p.s. I will not be doing the final episode of Produce 101 S01. Given that I've since seen the performances from that episode and I know the result, I don't feel much need to watch it.



omg girls:reverse is actually SO entertaining can't wait to see it if you do check it out! the perfect show combining kpop anime and videogames without TV regulations 😍

Amethyst FloverOrbit

She's seen at least some of it (the grand preview aka ep 0), but yeah, good times for everyone if she does!

Amethyst FloverOrbit

Yeah, she mentioned watching some of it while on Discord (after watching some of us discuss the show and recommending it to her lol).


Good stuff , thought there'd be a mention of Idol School in there , maybe eventually you might get to it .


I am so glad you decide to go back to youth with you, but definitely take your time :) thanks for the update


yay, super excited for Girl's Re:verse in particular!


I’m soooo glad you’re thinking to go back to youth with you it was such a good show overall


I support all of these choices and I will be watching all of these with you when/if you choose to do them!


i just finished watching i-land and it's definitely the survival show i've enjoyed the most! it's not overly dramatic with the editing, and the contestants get a big say in the rankings. it really seems like a show for all of the contestants to grow from, and not just those who debuted in enhypen. i went into it knowing who was in the group, obviously, and still fell in love with other contestants!


Also if y'all in the comments have not checked out Girl's Re:Verse, it's the most hilarious unhinged crackhead energy survival show I've ever watched + V-tuber models + the judges being equally as chaotic. I'm going to enjoy watching it again with the Safe Cave!


Loud is one of my favorite survival shows so I will look fowards to whenever you do that