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Hey all!

Gonna be totally honest here and say I was hella tired today and 1. Didn't manage to film as much as I wanted to and 2. Don't have the energy to edit and wait for uploads so today's content will be delayed.

I'm gonna do my best to get everything done that I wanted to tomorrow but I hope you'll be understanding if I'm not able to, for example, get both final episodes of Soshi TamTam done or something.

Tbh the Dropbox issue put some stress on me these last couple days and although it's seemingly resolved now, it's had an impact and I don't wanna push too hard and risk undoing all the good that resting did me.

At the very least you can expect the last December requests and Hotel Del Luna tomorrow. Anything else will be a bonus 😊

- Kaia



Hey, I'm new but I think I can speak for most of us here when I say that it's okay, please don't push yourself too hard. You're probably still in recovery and the Dropbox issue must be really stressful. So please, don't worry! Also, on a more positive note, did you know that Yeoreum will have her webdrama debut soon? YES FINALLY A YEOREUM SOLO GIG