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Hey guys!

Quick update regarding dropbox: I spent some time today trying to figure out what the issue was and fix it. There's no issues with my account in terms of billing or storage, I've tried re-linking, I've checked settings but nothing. It's just... not working.

Really not sure what to do to fix it so I think for now we're just gonna have to wait until everything is re-uploaded to Vidyard. I'll do my best to get everything up as soon as possible but please remember it's a lot of content to move so it's gonna take a while. 

I'll keep you guys updated of course. If I'm able to sort the dropbox issue, great, if not I'll let you all know when I've finished a chunk of re-uploads so if you're waiting for something in particular keep an eye out. In the meantime I'll do my best to keep you supplied with new content so you have things to enjoy!

Now onto the more fun and positive part of this post: new request slots!

I actually have a few updates regarding requests but most of those details will come in a lil' video next week as it's a bit much for a text post (basically there are gonna be some request rule changes that should make things a bit easier/more flexible for you guys). BUT before we get to that, I want to announce ahead of time that I'm gonna be opening 5 new request slots on Monday (Jan 2nd).

It's just 5 for now as I don't wanna overload myself between this and the new rules but I'll be opening them (provided all goes to plan) at 3PM GMT on Monday so if you've been waiting for a slot, that's the time to aim for. I'm sorry if it's an awkward time for you but unfortunately that's just how it's gotta be!

Okay that's all from me for now. Thanks for bearing with me on the Dropbox issue, maybe it'll just magically fix itself................

Anyway, see you soon!

- Kaia


V G (Zay)

Yay, more slots! It's always fun to get new requestors in mixing it up 8)