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Hey guys,

Just on the off chance you missed my community post earlier, ya boi has got covid. I've been really ill the last couple days and finally got hold of tests today and they were... very very positive.

Obviously this was not in my plans for the month and it's gonna set me back a bit but I'm trying not to worry about content and just focus on getting better for now.

Hopefully it won't take too long for me to recover but we'll see.

Look after yourselves guys and have a good rest of your week,

- Kaia



Feel better! Zinc and Vitamin D helped me


Sending you wellness.


Take care and get well soon ❣️


Sending you healing vibes! Please rest up and get well soon! ❤️

txi90 .

Take your time and get well soon.

Daniel Goland

Damn, I'm sorry to hear that! Take good care of yourself, and get well soon!🙏


Aw, shit, man, I'm so sorry. Take care. Rest!


Oof, sorry to hear that. I hope it's not too rough and that you feel better soon!


Please focus on yourself! Feel better and come back strong :)