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Sup guys,

First things first I wanna say thank you, one, for all of you that left really kind words on the "honest chat" post I made a little while ago and, two, for being so patient with me across this week or so while I've been taking it easy.

I wanna give you a bit of an update on where I'm at and what will be happening moving forward for the time being.

Essentially, I'm feeling much better than I was but I would say I'm at like.. 75/80% atm, so not all the way there but in a much better place than I was like a week ago. As you'll have seen, I've been able to post a couple things here and there over the past few days and it's felt good to get those things done, but I am finding that I get mentally drained a lot faster at the moment than I would normally which is why I've just been doing little bits at a time.

So, where does that leave us for now? Well, the general plan is to start getting back into a regular routine from next week (i.e. posting on the days I normally would and being less random with uploads). I still won't be going crazy with the content and will largely be focusing on the things I *most* want to react to while steadily re-introducing other things. I don't think I'll feel 100% until I'm back in my regular schedule so easing myself in like this should really help my mental state (I'm hoping at least).

Also regarding this month's requests, my goal is to film them in small chunks over the course of next week and either post as I go or all in one go at the end of the week. Either way, they'll all be done by the end of next week and the form for November will be posted next week as well.

Also also, later today or tomorrow I'll be posting a Kpop Catch Up poll with all the mvs I've missed over the last several weeks so keep an eye out for that and cast your votes for the things you wanna see most.

That's pretty much everything for now. Should have a couple random things dropping either today or tomorrow so stay tuned.

I hope you all have a great weekend and if you're doing anything for Halloween, have fun!! Thank you again for all your kindness and understanding.

- Kaia


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