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So, I managed to film a grand total of 2 videos today. The first was for EXID's Fire which got blocked on YT so will be going up here shortly and the other was a mini It's Live marathon, also coming later. 

I had plans to film so much more but as I mention in the It's Live video, I think I'm coming down with a cold or something similar. It explains why I was so exhausted on Wednesday plus I had the scratchy throat and stuff yesterday and through the course of the little bit of filming I did today, my throat got worse.

I tried taking some meds in the hope I could film more but it just seems to be getting worse so I've called it a day and hopefully with some rest and like... not talking for a bit, I can come back swinging asap. If by some miracle it's gone tomorrow, I'll film some extra things then but if not I'll just take the weekend to recover and reset for Monday.

So sorry for the lack of videos this week, this certainly wasn't my plan for the week but it's fairly normal for me when the seasons change at this time of year (thanks body love that for us).

Anyway, hope you're all taking care, and have a good weekend!

- Kaia


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