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Sup guys!

So, coming along later will be two videos, one, the Hybe Game Caterers episodes from yesterday and, two, the final marathon of old requests from last year!

Super happy to have done both of these today but mainly wanna focus on finishing the old requests and what this means moving forward.

Now that those requests are done, it's gonna free up more time for me on Saturday's not to mention I'm gonna be a lot less exhausted (turns out 2 and a half hour request marathons are kinda tiring lmao) which means I can fit a couple more things in.

So here's the things that I'm hoping to do on Saturday's from now on:

  • Not a new thing but I will hopefully be able to be a lot more consistent with my drama watches. Like I said these request marathons have been pretty tiring and they've been my priority recently so Hotel Del Luna has had to fall by the wayside a few times BUT I'm hoping moving forward that can change and I can be much more regular and consistent :) 
  • As many of you will know, I opened up more slots in my request tier for monthly requests. I will be splitting these up over 2-3 weeks throughout the month and doing mini marathons each Saturday
  • The final thing that I want to add to Saturdays is a consistent variety slot. Today for example, I did the HYBE thing, some other times I might throw in some Running Man or Weekly Idol or Knowing Bros which I normally don't have time to do. Some weeks this'll be a reserved spot for a group that's made a recent comeback but other times it can be free for whatever. I've even considering starting something like Amazing Saturday and watching that regularly but I haven't settled on that yet. Regardless I wanna have some fun variety to end the week with

So that's the nub and gist. Not much changing in the grand scheme of things but I still wanted to let you know.

Now, one final little announcement is that next weekend (from the 22nd to the 24th) I'm going to be out of town visiting family. I'm gonna try and film some things ahead of time, and at the very least get part 1 of the July requests done, so you have a few things to entertain you but understand it's probably gonna be quiet.

I am also thinking about extending that break into the following week. With the exception of the Purple Kiss comeback, there's a few days where things are a little quieter on the releases front and given how drained I am from the onslaught of releases I think that'd be a good chance to get some rest. I'll let you guys know for sure closer to the time but currently I'm leaning towards "hm yeah that's a good idea."

Okay enough blabbering from me, videos will be up later. They're taking an age to upload but we'll get there eventually.

See you on Monday!

- Kaia


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