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Lots of thoughts below but damn what a round this has been



- Kaia

Performances/episode thoughts:


  • Honestly this performance was everything I've been wanting them show on Queendom from the get go. 1000% my favorite performance of theirs and they absolutely destroyed. Especially my biases lmao. Mashiro and Youngeun ate the whole thing up. 
  • So overall just an incredible performance for me but I think the emotional/sentimental weight of other performances overshadowed them for this round which is why they ended up at the rank they did (going first probably didn't help either with this round)
  • They did what they do best though, bringing that power and energy, and regardless of the results I am very very proud of them.


  • Same as Kepi, this was by far my favorite performance of theirs. The concept was awesome, remix was fire and Umji especially really brought the fire with her presence and confidence
  • I think a combination of other performances having more of a sentimental punch and going just before WJSN was what had them struggling ranking-wise. But they definitely delivered one of the most fun performances of the round and I think it's really cool they decided to solidify their identity as VIVIZ rather than linger on Gfriend.


  • Idk where to even start. I feel like I could easily rave about this performance all day but I'll keep things short here: WJSN. Out. Sold.


  • Now this is where I have more conflicting feelings. A lot of them actually. Overall it was an incredible stage and tbh maybe my expectations were just too high but I did find that it didn't grab me as much as I wanted it to
  • Don't get me wrong, the whole thing was magical and such a beautiful gift of a stage for fans. They sounded amazing, looked breath-taking, the imagery was stunning etc. but for me, something just didn't fully connect and I *think* it mainly comes down to the choreo
  • The changes made were super cool and I do think they would have had to change some things to make it a unique and awesome stage, and of course they danced incredibly, but tbh they took out quite a few of my favorite impactful moments - especially during the first pre-chorus - and it left me kind of wanting.
  • I 100% stand by what I said about this being one of my favorite remixes but the performance itself didn't capture my heart quite as much as I thought it would or as much as I wanted it to. Again that could purely come down to expectations being too high but it is what it is

Brave Girls

  • This one was all sentimentality and storytelling. A beautiful performance with a beautiful meaning and an incredible song. I honestly don't have a lot more to say to that, it was just awesome.
  • While as a performance it may not be my personal favorite of the bunch, I am overjoyed that it got them the result it did and completely understand why. They truly understood the assignment lmao


  • Now, I have a few thoughts on Hyolyn like I said during the episode and this is something I've been thinking over the past few days.
  • First things first, the performance was stellar. Super fun, bright, incredible energy, choreo, vocals. I loved the song itself. She did her thing. As always.
  • But that's the thing. As. Always. And this is what I was wondering about going into the episode. Hyolyn started this competition by setting the standard super high. For everyone. She's the bar that everyone else wanted to reach. Which is remarkable and so impressive and heightened further by the fact that as an audience, a lot of people were doubting how successful a soloist could be on this show. She proved everyone wrong, delivered masterful performances and looked damn good while doing it.
  • However. A lot of other artists on the show - pretty much all of them actually - looked at the standard she set and said "bet". And in this round, I'd argue that most of them met it (plus in my personal opinion I think wuju surpassed it but y'know). This means that while Hyolyn has been consistently phenomenal and as far as I'm concerned has never once dipped in the quality of her performances, that consistency is almost working against her in this round because everyone else has grown to match her level. You pair that with the fact that a lot of the audience are now *expecting* that she's gonna throw down... that shock value isn't as strong, y'know? It doesn't mean she's not just as incredible as before bc clearly she is, it just means the competition has caught back up to her
  • Personally, like I said in the episode, I'm kind of glad this round shook things up purely to not make the competition side of things more obsolete. As much as it would be awesome to see her win as a soloist, I still want it to be an interesting finale lmao
  • But yeah Hyolyn is an all-singing, all-dancing masterclass but the other contestants have been taking notes and I think that's why she ranked where she did today

So all in all I'd say my personal ranking goes something like 1. WJSN, 2. Kep1er, 3. Brave Girls, 4. Loona, 5. Hyolyn and 6. Viviz but I think 4-6 could flip flop depending on my mood any given day.

And, just in case you missed what I said in my end, my current personal prediction for the winner is WJSN but truly it could be anyone's game depending on how the streaming and live vote go.

Let me know your own thoughts, rankings, predictions etc. below and keep an eye out in the next few days because I'm thinking of hosting a watch party in discord for the finale and I'll post seem details both in there and here.

K byeeeee




I LOVE this for Brave Girls. They deserve everything especially after all the unfair rank last round! BUT WJSN should've been 1st and Kepler 999% DID NOT deserve last place. (I'm not even a Keplian but they did not deserve that at all) Brave Girls did amazing, and their performance was absolutely not last place worthy but it wasn't 1st either. The only reason why I voted them in that global evaluation was because I didn't want them to get eliminated. I should've gone with my gut and voted Kepler. Just here to roll in my grave, I guess. (That said, if BG had gotten eliminated and I hadn't voted for them, I'd be just as regretful tbh) My ranking would've been: 1) WJSN 2) Kepler 3) Hyolyn 4) Loona 5) Brave Girls 6) VIVIZ PS. Bona and Yujin knowing each other is because Bona used to be a Cube trainee. She was supposed to debut with CLC but then Exy stole her away to Starship, and the rest is history. Given how CLC was treated, everyone say, "Thank you, Exy." One last thing, I swear! Given the TINY gap between BG and WJSN, it means a half majority of the live audience voted for the wujus. Logically, we can speculate that what gave BG the edge is the ujungs who voted for BG outweighed the fearless who voted for WJSN. Finally finished the video, and yes. I'd bet on WJSN too, but also, we can't forget how crap we, ujungs, are in streaming... Not to mention the counts aren't on Korean sites where kujungs would've been killing it, it's on YouTube and Spotify where the wujus have the least amount of followers out of every contestant... It sounds almost fiction that the streaming monsters of the show (Loona/Kepler) are the ones at the bottom rank lol They'll both catch up, easy


Don't need to add to what you already wrote down for us. BTW love your more extended notes. You took what I couldn't correctly express out of my mouth, in this case, text. And I agree 1000% even down to your ranking. I'm just happy everyone gets to move to the final cause they and we as fans and new fans deserve it. I can't wait for the final. NEW SONGS. And everything in between. Let's go❤️

Oyku T.

This might involve a lot of "unpopular" opinions but here I go; Kepler: They brought the opening stage vibes back and that was what I wanted from them because as a non-fan their opening stage had impressed me a lot. I think not having a broad discography unfortunately put them at a disadvantage on the show. Best thing for them is I think they learned a lot throughout the show Viviz: Imo they're still trying to find their colors as Viviz, obviously their experience of Gfriend is a tremendous help but they're still trying to fill the stage as a 3-member group and this stage was their best, I personally found their previous ones not lacking perse but I thought they had the potential to put on a better stage. Unfortunately, in this stage they were overshadowed by stronger performances. I think Kepler and Viviz had similar problems, being immensely talented is almost a given in this industry and both Kepler and Viviz members are immensely talented, however being a group is a different thing, discovering/establishing group’s colors is a process that takes time and for other groups the younger one is Loona and they have 4 years under their belt. Loona: For Loona I understand that their song choice has a lot of meaning for both them and their fans but once you’re outside of that circle it wasn’t quite there. I see their argument of not wanting to change the song a lot because the original is so meaningful but to a non-fan I can also see that it wasn’t too special. Maybe because I loved their Shake It stage so much that I was expecting more from them. Brave Girls: Throughout the competition BG imo were the victim of the voting process, thankfully voters did what they needed to do. They’re not my personal No1 however I also have no complaints. I’m looking forward to their future endeavours Hyolyn: Now I think she is an amazing, amazing performer, I think with a lot of people coming into the show being 3rd -4th gen stans who don’t know her and people seeing her at a disadvantage due to her being a solo and her being compared to Park Bom, she took the audience by surprise and rode that wave into 2nd round, a lot of people used their 2nd votes for her, however with the 3rd round, audience caught up in voting, they knew the results of previous rounds so a mix of 1- Her needing to up the performance every round 2- Fandom politics playing a part, she lost a lot of her votes to BG WJSN: They did amazing, no words, it was a show, after hearing stage descriptions I had thought that it might be too much but it wasn’t, everything was put together very well. In the final I think they have the strongest shot at beating Hyolyn but with 60k points up for the grabs, it almost makes the previous rounds meaningless competition wise.


I posted a huge monologue elsewhere so here I'll just say this: I understand why for LOONA Butterfly is the "fan's choice" and the song they wanted to do, but I think it was also the problem for that reason. Most Orbits already view their performances of Butterfly as "near perfect" so what could they really do with the song? Tis a conundrum I think they couldn't solve.


I would say my personal ranking (after initial watch) is: 1. Hyolyn 2. WJSN 3. Kep1er 4. Viviz 5. Brave Girls 6. Loona I mostly agree with all the comments. BG totally deserves their ranking due to meaning of their performance and the storyline, but performance-wise, they aren't really my favs. I think they probably got a lot of 'saving votes' since no one wants them to be eliminated so they just gave them their 2nd vote so BG can be saved. I am a little bit shocked for Hyolyn. She really delivered and I am not even biased but I think she truely got my favorite performance for this round. However, I do understand the arguement that she probably usually got the 2nd vote by audiance and a lot of those votes goes to BG to save them from the competition so Hyolyn's votes may get affected I really agree with the Loona and Viviz comments. I think butterfly is one of those songs you really have super high expectations for. Similar for Viviz, that I really think they are killing it but there is still something more I want from them. Honestly, I truely feel my ranking will change over time/mood, so just a few initial thoughts. Anyway, congrats to all groups they are doing really well and I really enjoy all the performances.


Initial thoughts ---- I'll post more later, but I'm kinda surprised Loona didn't consider "Star", also a song about their fans --- one that's in Korean and English and they could mix up the lyrics to reflect both and its far more impactful as a song in a performance setting (as Jinsoul said herself, Buttterfly was a lot of falsettos). Okay full thoughts: 1. Relieved that Hyolyn fell so far down. Why "so far down", because it opens the door for a surprise win in the final round and thus allows you know, the actual competition aspect of this show to still be a lit flame. When she dominated in round one and two it really sucked the air out of the entire show for me on a competition front. It even sort of made the whole group round/retreat episodes feel a little flat whereas in Queendom 1 it was still anyone's guess as to who was in the drivers seat of the show as a whole when they went to their "retreat". 2. I think it was perhaps Gowon who commented (sorry if I'm wrong on that) that Viviz should've gone with a GFriend song this round as the "fans choice", I made this comment last episode too but yeah I think Viviz has made a tactical error in Queendom 2 as a whole. Should've busted on the scene with Bop Bop in round one as a representative song, no one would've faulted them for it, and THEN come with the left hook of a GFriend song in this "fans" round for the emotional impact. It is about playing to emotions right? I love Sin B, Eunha, and Umji, but there was nothing emotional about this stage of Bop Bop --- it was well executed for sure, but it didn't hit em' in the heart. 3. Kudos to Brave Girls, they knew how to play the game. Mamamoo did "I Miss You" with the moving imagery of their trainee days during Q1 and that was good enough to give them 3rd place (without doing any frigging choreo!) I'm not wild on Brave Girls musically, but they have a nice group personality that has made this season of the show quite interesting and I'm glad to see them get a win. I suspect there's a lot of sympathy votes for them on the world wide level, folks who thought they were getting dumped on too much and wanted to turn the tide. Also some godamnned respect to Kep1er and Viviz for their pro-votes. That brings me to this next point: 4. Hey MNET, listen. You have to force groups to deliver BOTH votes for teams better than them AND worse than them. That they have to pick a worse for and can opt out of the better selection purely on tactical decision making is lame. I don't blame the groups, I blame your moronic ruleset. 5. My theory on Hyolyn is that kind of agreeing with Kaia's, although I have a feeling that there was a lot of people who rallied for her in the beginning of this season because of the Park Bom factor. I think people felt sorry about the idea of a soloist in general due to how rough Q1 was for Bom and there were a lot of sympathy votes in that audience for Hyolyn in rounds one and two. She's a great singer, but sweeping both rounds? Eh... I'm probably in the minority on this but I think that's a bum deal for Loona who absolutely destroyed round two with their "Shake It" stage. Seriously ask yourself, when all is said and done, what's going to be remembered as this seasons equivalent to Oh My Girl "Destiny" or "Twilight"? I won't believe you if you don't say "Shake It" (and "Pantomime" by WJSN). 6. WJSN should've grabbed first place this time based purely on skill level alone but they got done in by the sentimentality wave for Brave Girls. But coming in now 2nd/3rd/2nd really sets them up to steal the Queendom crown ala Mamamoo in Queendom 1. All that's really standing in there way is Hyolyn. 7. Kep1er got done wrong this round. They killed and them being 6th is straight trash. Also screw MNET again for not featuring any moments between Taeyeon and Kep1er, I know there had to be some. My personal ranking: 1.WJSN (they kinda got robbed here, it's right alongside "Shake It" on the greatness scale) 2.Kep1er (I think they killed it and at this point its just borderline disrepect) 3.Loona (I actually think they ended up where they should have, I really think "Star" would've worked better) 4.Brave Girls (I get why they won, but the song didn't move me that much and the performance was good, but not great, but hey happy they're still around and Kep1er and Viviz voting for them was such a class move) 5.Viviz (Yeah I just don't like Bop Bop as a tune that much, but this should've been their first round stage and vice versa, a tactical error) 6.Hyolyn (Really really underwhelmed by her stage... It's a bummer because I love Sistar's tunes but her solo stuff isn't my thing. Honestly surprised she ranked as high as she did).


bona and yujin was in cube and bona was supposed to debut with clc but exy dragged bona into starship 🥺 honestly, i feel like the upvoting and downvoting thing is unnecessary, it just creates more drama between the fandoms eventhough it's not even that deep. Exy been getting unnecessary hates for that one comment up until now on twitter, exy the clumsy & silly leader getting hates over a friendly competition? absurd. Anyway, i am so excited for all of their new songs especially Aura by WJSN since Exy self composed it 🤩


Oh my god, did anyone else feel a bit of Q1 when they were voting up BG?? Especially when they voted Kepler down and Kepler voted them up? We could've had some funny wholesome shit like that all season but no. Honestly, give it up for Kepler and VIVIZ for those votes. They earned my respect here for sure! (well, more of it anyway lol)


Yeah there was a moment like that in Q1 right? I can't remember with whom... maybe between AOA and someone else? Yeah one of the things I remember about Q1 was that groups had to vote for a better group, maybe I am wrong about that but it seems that way in my memory. The abstain from voting tactical option is really something they should eliminate from the show.

Gineta Miliukaitė

I was writing down my rankings in all seriousness, taking into consideration the song, it's rendition, vocals, staging, dancing, improvements along the whole contest, even expectations. Here is my ranking: 1-2. WJSN and Kep1er - They both got perfect scores from me. What else can I say? Epic. 3. Hyolyn - See Sea is my favorite Hyolyn song. I love it to bits and pieces. The only downside for me was that we already had high expectations and this stage was comparatively decent as opposed to the stages above (or her previous stages) 4. Viviz - I am surprised they ranked so low because I really enjoyed they did Bop Bop and not any other song. They ARE Viviz, not GFriend anymore, stop asking them to perform their old songs. I guess I felt like they did decent in every aspect because they are right in the middle in the ranks. 5. Brave Girls - Since I was ranking everything, the shortcomings were obvious. First of all, as much as the song is good and held meaning, it is not among my favorite Brave Girls songs. Second of all, some other performances in here just left a so much bigger impact on me. The reason why they won (in my opinion)n is because people didn't want them to leave the competition and because of the emotional factor. And they finally did what they do best - SANG. 6. Loona - This was not a bad performance and their dancing got a perfect score from me (THOSE BRUISES, SHEESH). But I honestly think they should have went with STAR, that song would have gotten all possible highs from me. I have an unpopular opinion but Butterfly is not THAT song for me when it comes to Loona. Sorry not sorry.


I knew Hyolyn probably wouldn't get first with her performance, but I really really liked it, and is one I've been thinking about a lot. Because her concept was with something so familiar and clear with the beach theme and the fan story, it was very refreshing to see something that I didn't need to do much to interpret. I feel like many performances have been very artistic and fantastical, and this felt a bit more relatable to me.With that said, what a missed opportunity for Bae-watch to be the theme.


I am constantly in battle between f this show vs what an awesome show while watching q2


The biggest takeaway of this episode for me, besides that Mnet sucks and needs to stop with the evil editing, spoiling everything and making stupid rules like elimination and forced voting, is that we'll probably never gonna get a Butterfly 2.0 so to speak. LOONA is now trapped in this stigma of being this powerful performance group, meanwhile many people don't know that songs like Butterfly and Hi High exist. Jinsoul said it best: Yes, there are no high notes in Butterfly and THEY ARE NOT NEEDED! There is more to music and kpop than belting these high notes and tearing up a stage with a powerful performance and it is sad to me that LOONA especially gets dragged into this corner all the time.


Mnet isn't going to change their editing because manufactured drama gets viewers. You watch it. They wont change until YOU and everyone else stop watching shitty shows with editing to invoke an extreme emotional(usually outrage) response. You are upset but tuning in. So they got you. I don't watch these shows at all. Mnet and survival=no views.


Yeah you're right but i'm not strong enough, i know as soon as the next Kingdom or Queendom rolls around i'll be there. These produce shows? Now shot, but my favourite idols interacting and creating awesome performances? I'm here for it. That means i'll have to deal with all the fake drama etc. but even if i watch it anyways, i'm never going to stop complaining 😂


1. wjsn 2. kepler 3. hyorin 4. viviz 5. loona 6. bg