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We made it everybody



- Kaia




Glad you are back watching the show. Also, I knew it was coming and I still cried again lol


every manwol outfit is The Most. and you think it's going to be The Most outfit until the next outfit appears. and then suddenly THATS The Most outfit. aaaand repeat! her styling in this is literally stunning. and yes, jingoo is a beautiful man. no other man i would rather watch be beautiful with beautiful actresses i am in love with. he's also just delightfully goofy and a bit awkward irl but notoriously sweet and well-liked by everyone. i watched hdl before gp999, so watching him get flustered by everyone adoring him was highkey one of my favorite parts of the show LOL. he's also a CRAZY actor and if you ever want to dip into more of his filmography either after this or on your own, give beyond evil a shot. small town murder mystery show. hannibal vibes. he is unhinged in it. binged it all with a friend in three days. also don't worry, episode 2 gets almost everyone LOL. it's like a mini gut punch compared to the rest of the show, just to ease you in.