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Chaein-ah... I just wanna talk okay?



- Kaia




glad to know we all cried at THAT cursor moment

Jonathan Clements

The noise that came out of my mouth when I realised that Pretty Psycho was the full version of Freaky Purky got me a few odd looks in the staff canteen at work today, but I don't care, that song is everything I didn't know I needed this week. But yeah, "ranking" this is...yeah. I think memeM, Cursor & Hate Me, Hurt Me, Love Me are somewhere after Pretty Psycho, then Oh My Gosh, Illusion & Joah, but it's really just such a good album I honestly don't know. Guess I'll just have to keep listening to it to try and figure it out :)


I can't speak first hand to the instruments in Illusion, but Bacardi said they were very Indian sounding to him, so if that helps lmao. Cursor is the best Purple Kiss song and I will not be taking questions. Anyways, Cursor (by a big margin) > Joah > OMG > HMHMLM > Pretty Psycho > memeM which pains me to put it last bc its maybe my favorite of their TTs (I'm still deciding bt her and Zombie) Welcome to the Cursor cult.

Tom Poston

I really...REALLY...can't wait to see Chaein develop even more as a songwriter/composer/producer in the next few years. She is already showing just extreme talent and to RBW's credit, they are putting more and more of her songs onto Purple Kiss' albums. No idea if she can or wants to write a title track (there are very specific ways of doing that) but if every Purple Kiss album is filled with Chaein b-sides, we're going to feel incredibly blessed in the future!


oh I feel your top 70 songs of this month is going to be wild ... maybe it's time to do top 100 lol


I always have high expectations for purki vocals on an album, and they always hit those. And even if we didn't quite so many iconic longer Yuki raps on this one, what we did get is more of her versatility in flow and tone. Her ability to be both protean to fit the song needs but also so very much herself is so impressive to me. But we knew we were going to get vocals. What pushes this over the top for me is that the composition and instrumentation on this album is immaculate. So many sounds where you the song would be successful with a more standard instrument, but they work harder and bring in one that just makes it all that more beautiful. And then all those little production flourishes that add to something extra the track rather than are just there because the producers are trying to fill a space. It's not that the production is always doing more it's that it's always doing right and interesting and emotional things. And then the endings are also on point. Satisfying but not predictable. And then there's Cursor...


Cursor cult represent


Cursor is literally that nutty insane song after Twinkle huh... what an amazing creation PurKi!

Dennis S

I'm so late to this reaction but CURSOR CULT REPRESENT

Martin Schafer

I'm pretty sure one of the istruments on Illusion is a dumbek. Definitely some kind of hand drum. I've listened to this multiple times starting when it first dropped. I just didn't comment earlier. There's a recent clip on purple subs where they've translated parts of couple radio interviews talking about making Oh My Gosh. Chaein didn't just write and compose she chose the line distribution and ran the recording session. The other members talk about how well she let them know what she wanted from them vocally in each part. Jieun in particular was very sweet.