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Hey guys!

Just wanted to let you all know why things have been a little quiet here this week.

Basically, I've been having real trouble sleeping. Not really sure why or what's caused it but it's made working quite hard and I've been struggling to do my normal amount of filming because of it. I'm someone that really does not function well at all if I don't get a good amount of sleep so ya boi has been having a tough week so far lmao

I'm trying not to push myself or stress myself out too much about it because I think that'll just make it worse so I hope you'll understand and be patient with me while I try and sort my sleep out and get back to my normal schedule!

I do have a couple things on the way today so look out for those and who knows maybe tonight will be the night I actually fall asleep before 2am.......... *manifesting*

Anyway, thanks for reading, hope you're all doing well! We've got some big things coming in the next few weeks and I'm so excited for them so fingers crossed I can be all back to normal soon.

Look after yourselves and I'll see you soon!

- Kaia


Chad Williams

same here rest well hopefully we can get jiheons birthday fromis9 vid when u get better

Maanya Agarwal

don't worry and take care of your health and self!


wow i thought i was the only one struggling to sleep for these past few days, but i hope you feel better and take care of yourself

Yolonda Hughes

Have you tried taking something for it? I have had insomnia forever like since a kid and now my doctor prescribes me Ambien and it helps sooooo much.


Too little or too much can really screw me over. Just take your time.