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Idk if there will ever be a day where I'm not blown away by Onewe



- Kaia




you said that Montage_ would be great to see live, they actually just performed it live on MBC Radio! Not quite the same as on a stage, but still really phenomenal.


The faces you made during montage is the faces I made during Montage. Every time they do the thing where Yonghoon's high note blends into Kanghyun's guitar solo I lose my fucking mind. Tbh I feel like all the faces you made while listening to the album reflected mine lmao I don't even have a ranking because with every listen-through it just... changes.


Thank you for sharing this reaction, Onewe are such special artists and it warms my heart to see other people also Feeling Things because of their music. It's so hard to come up with a ranking for their songs; I feel like each time I listen through them, a different song jumps out at me. But for now I'd have to say that Trigger_, Montage_, and Universe_ are my top three. The entire album is incredible, though!

Steph M

Usually Kanghyun's composed tracks are the standouts for me on ONEWE albums, but I've completely fallen in love with Montage and Trigger. Every song is great though, what an incredible record to start the year with. Definitely my favourite album of theirs too.

Greta Z.

Alter Ego is incredible, how the hell did they manage to top it in just the next album is beyond me!! And Trigger, I knew it's gonna be my #1 the sec I heard the HM! Onewe commenting that this is probably their darkest song every. Although it's a song about love and equality, Myeong said that the song was born thru anger of social injustice. On the other hand, From (Korean title: A Gift for You) is a song we've been waiting for a very long time~ Initially written for their parents, the song was created very early on during their MAS0094 days, and has been an encore number for their concerts. I just feel blessed that we finally get the studio version of it~

Greta Z.

Onewe just performed Universe and Montage (along with a cover of Mumumumuch) on Dream Radio last night! Full band live, and Solar being the special DJ! Please check it out!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoSpiWILvx4 They also went on Jukjae's Midnight Studio (Naver Now) afterwards and had a live jamming session with some of the best musicians in Korea for a full hour! You have to comeback for it if someone subs it in the future!!


this truly is their best album so far, i cried while listening to it 😭❤