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A rollercoaster from start to finish truly



- Kaia



V G (Zay)

Whistle is my favorite too! Though Goosebumps has to be 2nd for me. Overall I don't know that it's my favorite album (I'm an On/Off and SpinOff ho, I admit it!!) but it's so INTERESTING. This might end up being my favorite for ACTIVE listening because there's so much to digest. There's a lot of great lyrics too, worth looking up. One thing I love is ending with Show Must Go On--ONF said it's meant to be 'the opening of a new chapter for ONF' so the 'anime opening' feels are intentional! And the abrupt ending gives a feeling of 'too be continued' like they're trying to keep me on the edge of my seat for the next 18 months straight :') As a certified U + Wyatt bias I was fed VERY well this album. U opened Alarm and Wyatt opened the 2nd verse and they BOTH SOUNDED SO INCREDIBLE. How'm I gonna wait 1 1/2 years TT Time to re-watch Dive Into ONF and get hype for the concert....