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Man, after all the soft and good vibes of last episode this one hit like a train



- Kaia




Definitely agree with you, I liked Shoot best of them all. They just had a vibrant energy for their performance. I'll be curious to see if the benefit does actually manage to help the U+Me=Love team much, though, they definitely have most of the low-ranked performers and one day of double votes probably isn't enough to really shake things up much.


As much as I loved U+Me backstage dorky wholesomeness and that triumphant stage, I hated this episode lol. The bits with "Rui Qi's bad attitude" were probably just moments after they decided to change parts. And they cut to her yawning and looking disheartened, like that's supposed to make her a bitch. She is sleep deprived and disappointed jfc give her a moment to feel bad and exhausted. Sure, she made her teammates uncomfortable and it wasn't fair to them... which is why they sat down and worked it all out. This could've been glossed over as a non-issue. Then maybe we'd get time to see Yaning actually doing the main vocal part right in the practice room, and judge for ourselves whether the masters gave good advice that just didn't work out, or whether they were tripping and recklessly gave Yaning a part she couldn't do. I guess showing Yaning doing well would've given her a too much of a boost regardless of the mistake, and they weren't sure they could sink Rui Qi with that, so they'd risk getting – gasp – 3 Chinese members in the lineup. They've really been bending over backwards to paint high-ranking Chinese trainees as cutthroat, arrogant and unskilled. Man. I'll say this for Prod48...when they knew they'd just rig the results in the end, the edits seemed a bit less desperate and obnoxious.


It was definitely between "Shoot" and "U+Me" for me as well, but personally i thought that the "U+Me" team was vocally just a little bit stronger over all. As a song, i was looking forward to "Utopia" the most. It's a shame Chaehyun was nervous and that Xingqiao had difficulties practicing as well. I know it's a really hard habit to get rid off, because it's kind of a defense mechanism, but it has been pointed out by the judges pretty much every time, so she really needs to work on the way she reacts when she makes a mistake, or gets feedback from them and try not to laugh. I know why she does it, but it sometimes just feels inappropriate in these kind of situations. As for the "Snake" team, i don't think it was necessary to change the part, because i believe that Ruiqi could have definitely improved upon it, but i also think that it wasn't a bad decision either. It's just too bad that Yaning couldn't pull off that one vocal part in the performance and Ruiqi the beginning part, which makes it look like it actually may have been the wrong decision after all. ^^' PS: I definitely have my favorite kitchen utensils as well. xD


I feel that this show has completely broken down Su Rui Qi mentally, over the course of the show she’s gone a very confident and out going person joking around with Hikaru & Jiyoon during the first elimination to looking so nervous in last weeks interim ranking and thinking she isn’t any good this week


Great edit for Ruiqi and the C-group co. this week and the last. Bought some sympathy with them going farming and showing the human, insecure side of her today really did her good. Yaning getting some god tier edits too. I'm saying this because I sense the Korean side warming up more to Ruiqi(somewhat) despite the political baggage she's been dragging with her. Also Mnet constantly showing her yawning really backfired too. I mean the girls are practicing non-stop every day, they must be tired af. Really mnet? smh On the other hand, Xingqiao went total downhill today. She really had a tangible chance to debut but her chance got real slim now by the looks of the reception she's getting with the Koreans..


growing up i had utensils that i hated using, but now i live alone so i bought utensils that i don't hate.


i agree with what the other commenter said, I really feel like Ruiqi has struggled mentally during this show and it has hurt her confidence. This is already her 3rd survival show at the age of 21, and she seems pretty nervous and desperate to debut. She previously has said that if this doesn't work out, then she is done with survival shows.

Adam Carter

I have to agree with you, Shoot was my favourite of the performances, but the U+Me team did do amazingly well too, and it was definitely between them, so I can't be too upset that they gave it to them, neither team was shown to make any mistakes and they were able to nail their key parts.


Re: Ruiqi's "evil edit" in ep 10, Mnet had already shown us that Ruiqi won the main vocal position in ep 9, and her "My reaction to losing the main vocal spot made me think I'm not as good a person as I thought" is an epic humanizing line that no PD would consider editing out, so the show needed to do something to connect the dots. Mnet also knew (at the time they were editing episode 10) that Yaning had blown the big note(s) on performance night, so they could risk "making Ruiqi look bad" because her "resentment" gets "vindicated" in the end. Is how I saw it, anyway. I'm a "Shoot" guy, too. I think Yeseo gave the best individual performance of the night and I get why "U+Me" won, but "Shoot" is the performance that scratched my kpop itch best. It had so much personality! I don't know if Myah, Ruan, and Hsinwei are ready right now, but they all have a chance to be really special idols down the road.

Taylor Medeiros

I just noticed that bahiyyih hasn’t gotten one compliment from the mentors. Not in ice cream, or in shoot? Everyone gets reassurance of some kind and a compliment.. call me petty but come on lol