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Hey guys!

It's the first time I'm doing one of these but I think this is gonna be a much better way of doing things rather than me just putting too much pressure on myself to watch everything lmao.

Below are a bunch of recent comebacks/releases that I haven't had the chance to check out yet but that I'm interested in. Your job is simply to choose which 4 (maybe 5) I react to in a video by next week!

Any that aren't chosen, I'll either check out in my own time or - if I don't get the chance to do that - carry over to the next one of these polls. Depending on how busy any given period is, I'll likely do 1-2 of these a month :)

Happy voting!

- Kaia


V G (Zay)

Oh man I think you'll definitely like Sungmins song, I doubt he'll win so I hope you can enjoy it on your own time even ♥