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Oh man there's so much to say. For the most part this went exactly as I thought it would and I'm quite glad that I'd braced myself as much as I had otherwise I would be wrecked right now. I'm still bummed over a certain someone in particular but overall, the majority of my faves made it and I can't be mad at that at all. I've worked out my new top 9 (attached below) but if I'm being honest pretty much any combination of the remaining contestants would make a fire final lineup so at this point, I'm just going along for the ride. Of course I'll be rooting for my favorites but I'm not gonna be mad at however this turns out!


Let me know where your lists are at and if you are a fellow Jia guardian, hey at least we're in this together!

- Kaia




This episode made me a huge Dayeon simp. If she makes it in the final line-up I could see her becoming the leader even if she is just sweet 18. There is just something about her personality. Also we all have to vote for Bora. Nearly all main vocalists were eleminated and I personally want a final line-up that not only consists of lead vocalists and rappers.


This episode broke me when Dayeon made it into the K-Top3 and she started crying. Not much has changed except for Chaehyun replacing Yujin since my last comment about the list: 1.Kim Dayeon / 2.Shen Xiaoting / 3.Nonaka Shana / 4.Fu Yaning / 5.Su Ruiqi / 6.Kim Suyeon / 7.Kawaguchi Yurina / 8.Sakamoto Mashiro / 9.Kim Chaehyun Really happy for Suyeon because she's been on my Top9 since the beginning, but damn... there are so many who would have deserved to go on as well. I hope we'll see a lot of them again some day. Eliminations will get even harder now. I'm not looking forward to those. They are not good for my heart. ^^'


Aw man I was really sad about Jia too! Overall, though, this episode was ok for me. It's a little painful that it becomes more and more apparent that I probably won't get Yaning or my ult, Shana, in the final lineup...Youngeun and Yeseo would also be painful to lose. But yeah, I'm fond of pretty much everyone. I had stronger preferences in prod48 and I still ended up loving IZ*ONE, so I'm sure it'll be fine. Honestly the main takeaway from that ep is that Mnet drags out these elimination cerimonies waaay too much. This could've been done in half an hour lol. And then we'd get to see them practice or do dorky shit at the dorms, which is much more enjoyable.

Steven Nguyen

Young Eun is currently top 16/27 (based on score) and that scares me. I really really hope people will vote for her more this round. I will be so sad if she won't make it to the final line up.


I really want to start liking some of the C group trainees to the point where they enter my top 9, but as of right now they just haven't stood out enough to me in comparison to the other groups. Thus, my current top 9 is only J group and K group trainees, but I do recognize that Shen Xiao Ting (and possibly others like Su Ruiqi and Huang Xing Qiao) will make the final group. 1. Kim Chaehyun 2. Kim Dayeon 3. Sakamoto Mashiro 4. Kang Yeseo 5. Nonaka Shana 6. Seo Youngeun 7. Nagai Manami 8. Ikema Ruan 9. Choi Yujin I unfortunately lost my second favorite in Yeyoung this episode, as well as those that were borderline top 9 for me in Jia and Doah, so I understand your pain.


the majority being eliminated are from u+me=love team 😭 most of them are my favs too like chiayi, jiwon, moana, cheukying, jeongmin & doah 🥺 if you remember, the asia/ajia cell (chiayi, jiwon & moana) was in the same cell after the reshuffling of cell, from winning the benefit point for their separate team, to being put in u+me=love team to leaving gp999 together


that few seconds of hope for Jia when they said dance position was me too... my heart leapt, but like you said, we had time to mentally prepare for the worst. I am putting youngeun in my top k spot too, she is an all arounder and its what Jia would want me to do lol. I am even more worried about my picks this time around though, with all the talent there aren't any bad picks so it will be way harder to raise the ranks of the lower girls I think. Hopefully they get recognized on the upcoming stages. <3


Every time they showed Jia on screen i basically had your reaction. There was like 1 day of voting left after ep7 released, so realizing Jia might have made it if not for that bummed me out even more. She is in my final top. To me she was the dancer i looked forward to watching the most.


yeyoung and ruan were my top 2 .... so there were pros and cons for me today


I definitely had a lot of heartbreak but also a lot of joy while watching this episode. Very sad to see so many girls go, especially Jia and Reina. I'm also very happy some of my favorites who I was nervous about make it as well, mainly Wen Zhe and Ruan. As talented as I think Suyeon is, I dont think she was a good pick for the planet pass, especially considering how many dancers there are and how few vocalist remain. It is what it is though, but I do worry about there being a main vocalist in the final group. I posted my top 9 in the discord, and I'm thankful that 7 of my previous 9 moved on. I am definitely not comfortable with my #1 Youngeun's ranking though and she will be my k vote every single day. Sadly, I'll be a lot more selective with who I give my votes out to this round now that we have so few of them. The one positive is that a lot of my favorites like Xiaoting, Mashiro, and Yurina, I dont have to worry about, so I can focus a lot on some of my other top 9 girls that really need it like Youngeun, Wen Zhe, and Ruan. I'll give a vote to a few other girls here and there, but I think those are the three I'm going to really focus on getting into the next round.


Wait…not me realizing that EB, the woman as part of the Snake producing team, is the same EB from Produce 101 season 1. She was on the Bad Girl Good Girl team that lost.


my new top 9 are Kim Bo Ra, Guinn Myah, Nagai Manami, Wen Zhe, Seo Young Eun, Kim Dayeon, Nonaka Shana, Kawaguchi Yurina, Shen Xiao Ting

Jinso Kim

K group is very competitive and votes are pretty even which means overseas votes gain way more powers. I think this 1-1-1 kinda unbalanced its voting system . When this 1-1-1 thing is over soon, korean votes will go for K trainees and still be pretty even, and people in overseas like China and Japan will vote for more C and J trainees, which i guess will be a total chaos. To be very honest as a korean, If k trainees are under 5 people (at least 50%) in the group, they won't make it in Korea (and the show didn't blow up as well) since koreans really care about the group's legitimacy ( or originality?) which must show that the group is actually 'Korean'. Fans are complaining about this 1-1-1 thing, and kinda lost their hopes.