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Well shit next week is gonna suuuuuuck



- Kaia




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i don't usually pay attention to english subs but iqiyi subs are awful.. so many errors. miu to xingqiao says 'i'm worried for yeyoung' but the sub says 'i'm worried about you' just one of many errors smh


Yeah apparently there were a bunch of mistranslations and such this episode especially. I've noticed they tend to improve once they're edited a few days later but we'll see if the same thing goes this time


I can't get over Yaning dying laughing after slapping Mashiro's butt, and Mashiro looking completely shocked lol. People have already made compilation videos of Yaning and Mashiro soft moments from this episode and the last one. Also about what Cai Bing said, people who speak chinese have confirmed that it wasn't mnet translating it wrong to cause drama. In fact what Cai Bing actually said was worse, and mnet was kind to her using a less aggressive translation (which might change since the subs improve after a couple days, so who knows). Like you said I do wonder if the editing is going to affect her, or if it gets brushed off since their team won.


Mnet was really quick to give Liang Jiao the Kim Sein edit after her sister spilled. According to a member of her group she suffered from gastroenteritis at that time, which is why she had to go to the toilet a lot and couldn't focus on practicing But the YXY scenes during My House gave me life! I really hope those 3 will make it - the world needs two(?) more years of them being soft


we need to stop blaming editing tbh, they did what they did and said what they said. they're here as a team and here to create a team at the end of the day. When decisions and or things said affect or hurt others in the team, even members of their own k/j/c groups, its not cool. Learning responsibility and being careful of words is just a must. Wang Yale was a bit of an exception for me, I like that she took that responsibility, credited her team, apologised, thanked and worked together well in the end to put on a good performance! and hey, the editors showed that loud and clear


For the most part I very much agree with you (particularly about Yale and people taking responsibility for their actions). One thing I will say though is that it's never as black and white as the contestants fault vs. the editing's fault. Oftentimes it's both. Cai Bing for example said what she said and that's something she absolutely should take responsibility for, apologise for and work on. However, we only see a small portion of the interactions in that team. There was clearly some kind of resolution, given that certain parts of Cai Bing's were switched around and given to others, but we'll never know exactly everything that went down because mnet only shows what they want us to see. I always like to err on the side of caution when it comes to blaming editing or blaming the individual. The individual is just one human that is very capable of making mistakes in a high pressure environment, doesn't make the mistakes okay but it's always worth remembering that they're only human and a lot of us do stupid stuff or say the wrong thing when we're stressed and overwhelmed. However, the editing comes from the institution. Something that has much more power, influence and resource than the individual. So while yes, mistakes are made and they are not good....editing prevents us from being able to see if those mistakes are actually atoned for or not. So while I've never really been on the Cai Bing train and I absolutely do not like what she said, I also do not even slightly trust mnet and their lack of conflict resolution for her

악 ᄏ

Oh man I've blocked myself from spoilers for a whole day to watch this one. And I don't know why, but it makes it even more entertaining


Couldn't really focus on the Salute performance when i watched it live, because of the drama beforehand. Now that i watched it again i can at least say that they did well after all, but i still would have given it to the Ice Cream team. They just made it over all much more enjoyable to watch and worked better as a team. Fate teams performance actually made me tear up, they were just too good not to win this. With the teams of 3 it could have gone either way, there were lot of good performances and i'm happy for the Mafia team. I'm not looking forward to next week. It's gonna suck, but it will be interesting to see who will end up with which song.


I really don’t know if mnet is trying to kick Jiao out after what was spilled from other 48 girls… she’s using the bathroom frequent because she was suffering from gastroenteritis; she wanted to practice alone likely because she didn’t want to drag the team practice as she’s behind (just assumption learning her from gnz time); the way most Chinese trainees can’t speak complete sentences jn Korean just gave mnet so much scenes to edit. Jiao did got Jiayi involved for translation but nothing they say in proper Korean was shown. International fans don’t get this but Qiao did not intend on spilling the tea but rather things slipped through her mouth while sharing her Korea trip with fans. She wasn’t sure if what she said about filming hours should be said neither. The chat was worried about the dangerous slip and Qiuru called her in the live to warn/remind her not to say anything (if you didn’t know all trainees back had to take down all pictures they took with other contestants), which she understood and joked with chat that mnet still have Jiao as hostage so let’s watch out and wait till the time when they can actually spill. I would say the Chinese fans also didn’t expect the live clips got shared in international platforms since the live was on snh48 pocket app. Btw no comment regard to Caibing. I agree that she’s being overhyped in terms of imbalance between her skills and presence. I think if final vote can do one pick per country then mnet is serious giving balanced group. If one pick from all, I still believe final lineup would be Korean dominated (5/2/2).




This is an opinion I would love people to discuss. im Wen Zhe biases <3 BUT Is MNET being really obvious with the C Group girls, in regards who they want? like Ya Le, Cai Bing, Liang Jiao rising popularity are in super high ranks and they got BAD editing, while Wen Zhe has been getting ALL the GOOOOD edits and reaction screen time throughout this whole show. now do you think MNET is trying to push Wen Zhe into the lineup? they gave her a favourable story arc, lots of screen time each episode AND even saved her with a planet pass? Same with XingQiao she gets the same treatment, a story arc each round..


As always, it was fun to watch your reaction to everything. Your love for Jia makes me so happy! She's been hovering around that 10 or 11 rank for me for a while but I'm fully on board and she's definitely in my top 9 now. She's fantastic and so talented! Sadly, the girl that is moving from my top 9 is Cai Bing. I've gone back and forth on everything that happened with her this episode. At first I was upset with the things she said, but I know mnet editing can make things look worse than it is, and it's also hard to know for sure how bad it was based off the translation, I've seen people say it wasnt that bad and others say it was pretty accurate. Since I dont know the language and cant judge for myself, I am not going to give her a pass for it, but I'm not going to hate on her either. However, there was clearly some frustration there among the other girls and so I think she could have done better as a leader in that regard. We dont know the whole story though, and we are being shown everything through mnet's editing. What I can judge is their performances, and ultimately I just dont think she was as impressive as a lot of other girls on her team, or the other teams for that matter. So that's why I have moved her out of my top 9, instead of because of the controversy. I am dreading next week. I'm not ready to say goodbye to so many girls that I love! I'm very confident about 6 of my top 9 moving on, the other three I'm very nervous for. Then there is of course the many other girls that I love as well on my short list. There is so many deserving girls and it's going to be so sad to see a lot of them leave.


I'm not following this series but I watched this episode because My Sea was covered. I have to say even IU admitted that this song was very difficult to sing. The original song was actually intended to be half a note lower but the composer raised it on the day of recording itself. I commend these girls for even attempting this song, not to mention the high note towards the end.


yeyoung was on my radar from the pop stars performance in the first episode but this episode made her my top pick ... im really hoping she gets the planet pass because her rank is low but i also want jia to make it SOO badly ... next week is gonna be terrible for everyone 😔🙏💔

J Park

I was surprised by Yaning's vocal skill... im not a big fan of her but dannnn i think She is one of the best Chinese vocal contestants with Xu Ziyin wow intriguing ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Wow, rewatching the Fate performance made me love it more. Its just now that I realized they pre-recorded the vocals. (I didn't watch the fancams and this is literally my second watch) I was too immersed by the dance the first time. I love the emotion and color of Ruiqi's and Yeseo's voice. Actually all of them.


The translation is technically accurate because you can translate what she said to that. The problem is for completely accurate translations you need the full context so you know what the connotation is because what she said could be interpreted in a harsher or lighter way depending on the full context it was said in.