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Hey everyone!

Hope you're all doing good on this fine Thursday. I'm coming in with a wee bit of an announcement which is that FINALLY I'm gonna start getting into doing regular streams on Twitch.

This is something that I've been wanting to do pretty much since I started my channel and I've finally figured out how I want to do it and how I'm gonna make it work.

More details below but just so it doesn't get lost: 

I will be streaming today at 3pm BST. This will be somewhat of a test to make sure everything's working okay but then I will also be watching Fezza's request for Seventeen's The Battle of Burgers series. You can find my Twitch here so feel free to come on through and hang out if you want to :)

Okay so, here's the basic break down (for the time being anyway, things will change over the next few months):

  • I will be streaming three times a week. At the moment the plan is Monday, Thursday & Saturday but this isn't 100% fixed because sometimes life
  • The regular time will be 3pm-5pm BST but of course sometimes may be slightly different (again, life)
  • On Thursdays, for the time being, I will be making my way through the remaining requests that I have from April & May. Mondays and Saturdays will be for different series' and other content that I struggle to fit into my normal weekly recording schedule.
  • As time goes on, the content will be guided by polls voted on by you guys here on Patreon but for the next couple of months I have a big ol' list of stuff I want to work on
  • Full VODs will be available here on Patreon only

That final point brings me onto the new tiers. 

Not currently but at some point in the near future I am considering bringing in a new tier at $2. I haven't fully settled on what content will be available on which tiers yet but I will keep you all updated on that.

Also, in a few months (perhaps in the new year) I will be bringing back a request tier. It will be much more limited than before and will be connected to streams. Again more details will come out once I've settled on exactly what I want to do!

So, that's the basic outline of everything I wanted to update you guys on. I know obviously time zones are a thing so the time won't work for everyone but I hope to at least see some of you hanging out with me in the streams and even if not, the VODs will be here for you if/when you want them.

Again, this is something I've wanted to do for a really long time so I'm super excited!

Any major questions let me know in the comments, otherwise I think the main details are all covered here :)

See you soon!

- Kaia


Aden Saw

I find Culi and Sad's stream format amazing. Will you be doing it in that format where we could randomly throw in requests as well?

V G (Zay)

I can see how that would make your life easier! 👍 I will say that my experience with others who stream is that I very rarely can catch them live so I rely heavily on VODs: that being so, if it's possible when posting the VOD to put rudimentary timestamps in the description it helps a lot ^^


Hope that the request tier would be like it used to be months ago