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If you wanna skip my talking about Yaning, 16:02 is the timestamp! 



- Kaia




Xu Ziyin is fantastic and I love her, if it's helpful her English name is Roada. I knew you were going to like Wenmeixiu too she has your one weakness, ears.

Chad Williams

It's not just the ignorance issue because I could understand how she might not get that it's everything added up her attitude her ignorance and now yujin I hate Stan Twitter and all "American" social media but from following some of the Chinese trainees for a while I know some of the bad apples and well she's not exactly done herself any favors if she's actually looking for forgiveness at such a convenient time it's sus I wish I could forgive her but man she's done nothing worth my forgiveness or understanding she acts like a b*** h regardless of mnet this predates mnet I hate using that word but she's cocky and arrogant confidence and arrogance are two different things I can't pull for someone like that she's straight up being disrespectful to other contestants I wish it was just mnet being evil but they know her character and mnet is just playing it up for attention mnet sees they finally got someone who's truly rude and disrespectful so they're going with it I can't blame them it's smart I just hope she gets eliminated early because of this anyways enough drama. My top 9 in no order cai bing xu zi yin yujin and bvndit girl those are the main ones who have caught my eye so far haven't filled the rest out yet got to get to know more Japanese and Korean contestants.

악 ᄏ



I love your top 9 and I'm really happy to hear you like Yeseo so much, she's definitely one of my favorites as well! My current top 9 in alphabetical order is: Chiayi, Ezaki Hikaru, Gu Yi Zhou, Kang Yeseo, Kawaguchi Yurina, Kim Suyeon, Hiyajo Nagomi, Seo Youngeun, Shen Xiaoting. I only chose girls who performed in episode 1 except for Gu Yi Zhou who was my preshow #1 with her amazing intro video. As of right now my #1 is easily Seo Younguen. I've become obsessed with her after that Kick It stage. I also definitely have a longer list of girls that I really like and will be following closely, but those are the current 9 I like the most at this time. I'm so excited for episode 2 and to see the rest of the first performances!


Idk if i expressed myself correctly in that comment but just so you know i also completely agree with everything you said here! As for the girls i reallyyyy really like your top 9, such strong contestants! I dont have a top 9 bc its just too hard rn, but i do have like 4 i would want to vote for: you dayeon and choi yujin bc i've been supporting them for a long time, as well as kim suyeon and shen xiaoting who have won me over so far Many others im keeping a close look at (including xinwei i agree with you I already love her a lot and i think she has potential to do way better soon, plus shes just so cute)

Aleyna Yilmaz

Great Top 9! And arent we all going to have different picks in a few weeks lmao. We just didnt see enough. Like not even all performances. Anyways I wanted to ask about your opinion on the whole cell Situation. I personally dont like the Idea that three girls from each country are going to be in the final lineup. In my opinion its unfair, since rank 4 from one country, could be more talented than rank 3 from another country. My top 3 currently are: Seo Youngeun, Shen Xiaoting and Kim Dayeon. Aside from them I am rooting for (in no particular order) Choi Yujin, Huening Bahiyyih, Su Ruiqi, Kim Suyeon, Yoon Jia, Xu Ziyin, Kawaguchi Yurina and Cai Bing.


The cell structure is going away, we just don't know when. The producers said there wont be a fixed amount from each nationality in the debut lineup.


I have to agree with you on the Fu Yaning situation and I'm glad you mentioned it. I did some research about her when I saw the massive amount of hate she's been getting and I can understand if people aren't a fan of her behavior or things she's done but it does feel a bit like overkill and just one huge witch hunt. We haven't seen enough of her to fully judge her character yet so while I don't know if I like her, I know I definitely don't hate her either. I'm remaining indifferent toward her based on her attitude but will withhold my full judgment until I've seen more. As for a top 9, I can't say I have a set one yet. From who we've seen so far, I really like Shen Xaoting, KIm Suyeon, Cai Bing, Kang Yeseo, Kawaguchi Yurina, Sakamoto Mashiro and Ezaki Hikaru. Of course, I'm also cheering for all the active idols participating as well, especially Yujin and Doah. I'm sure my favs will change every week lol


I found Fu Yaning adorable actually. She looked like she really cared about this opportunity and proportionately tensed about the environment she found herself in. Also she cried when Sunmi and Tiffany walked in. Cute! She learnt from her mistake in the past and her rap to Yujin was a good tribute to CLC in front of her. The only problem if you can call it that is that she needs to relax a little and enjoy the journey. The female instructor seemed intimidated by Yaning's expressions lol

Bria A.

I’m not sure how exactly you edit your videos and if this was a live thing (like pulling up mvs in reactions) or something you added in post-, because I’m assuming you brought up contestant portraits on the screen during your top 9? But it was just the red ‘media offline’ error screen nine times in a row. 😂 Anyway, for the moment I am respectfully recusing myself from the FYN situation because she is a lot and I am…exhausted by the whole ordeal. Yay at a fellow Hsin Wei and Yeseo advocate! And I’m obsessed with O.O.O…


Huh weird it was fine when I exported it... oh well, you guys know who I mean lmao


i get what you mean with regards to the persona fu yaning put on, and how it perhaps came from a place of desperation, but like...understanding her mindset or not, i suppose that's just not the type of person i want to support.