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Hi everyone!

I've been doing lots of thinking about the scheduled content here and how I both need and want to make some changes to the schedule so I can 1. Avoid burn out, 2. Make sure I'm always enjoying and excited for what I'm watching and 3. Introduce a couple more groups to the schedule. 

I don't think these changes are particularly extreme (in fact many things aren't changing at all), nor unreasonable so I hope you'll understand. And if anyone is thinking "what about this group?", "why isn't that group in the schedule?", "when are you gonna watch more x?" or anything else particularly demanding, entitled or generally whiney, please remember that this is my channel and while I will happily take your suggestions when I ask for them (eg. through polls or in videos) for the most part, I have to make this what *I* want it to be because I'm the one who's sitting here every single day for hours at a time making the content. This has never particularly felt like a job because I enjoy it so much but recently it's been starting to because I think I've been trying to please too many people. This is especially true for the YouTube side of things (which changes will also be happening for) but it's starting to happen over here as well.

Again, hope you'll all understand and if for whatever reason you decide this schedule isn't for you or at any point you feel that I'm not watching enough of your faves, you are not obligated to stay. It is entirely up to you and I assure you I will not hold it against you should you choose to not sign up here anymore.

Anyway, that's enough waffling. 

BEHOLD, schedule:

On the days where two groups/contents are listed, this means the content will be alternated. So one week will be Group A, the next week will be Group B and so on.

Monday:     Seventeen   |   Monsta X

Primary focuses will be Going Seventeen & Monsta X-Ray but will also feature other content such as, variety, albums, live stages etc.

Tuesday:     Twice   |   Variety Slot

Twice content will vary between Private Life, albums, variety content and more. For the variety slot, this will be for a designated episode of some variety show chosen through polls.

Wednesday:    Gfriend   |   WJSN

For both the content will vary. Albums, variety, live stages etc.

Thursday:   Kingdom (temporarily) - will alternate Stray Kids & TBD

For SKZ, once Kingdom is finished, the focus will be Finding SKZ but will also feature other content. The alternate slot will be decided via poll closer to the time.

Friday:     Reality Day

Currently alternating Produce 101 S1 and YWY2 but from now on, I will only be doing one episode of each *per month* rather than every other week. This is due to the length of the episodes. There may be times I am able to do two a month but that won't be the norm anymore. Will it take me ages to get through them? Yes, but it's for the best. When the time comes to pick new shows and if they're shorter, this may go back to being every other week.

Saturday:     4th Gen Day

Now, before the Wiz*ones start freaking out, yes I'm still going to be doing Iz*one content BUT because there are so many 4th Gen groups that I love and want to watch content for, Iz*one will be sharing the Saturday slot from now on. The content will vary from albums to variety to reality to live stages etc. 

So, that is the current plan moving forward. A few quick disclaimers to finish up:

1. I fully reserve the right to change this as and when I need to. Obviously I'll do my best to keep you guys up to date as much as possible

2. On days where there are a lot of new releases, I may not be able to get to the scheduled content for that day. In those cases I'll try to get to it later in the week but sometimes that may not be possible and the content will be pushed back to the next slot.

3. This is not everything that will be posted on here. There will be other content in the form of albums, live stages, requests and so on. This is just the specifically scheduled content.

Okay, I think that's everything. As said, I fully respect that not everyone is gonna be a fan of this and if you decide that that's you, then that's okay. Honestly I'm just grateful for you being here in the first place. 

If you read all the way through this, thank you, I appreciate you! 

See you soon,

- Kaia


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