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I am still upsetti.

CLICK HERE TO WATCH:   Part 1   |   Part 2 

Enjoy my tears!

- Kaia



V G (Zay)

It's over :') I'm really glad you found it interesting! I'm sorry it made you cry but at the same time we all need a good cry sometimes X'D (After the video from the fans and CNU's speech the last song was the ballad Only One and if you ever need a good cry GOOD LORD. The fancams came out way before D+ did and they were BRUTAL. The first one I watched I couldn't see the screen half the time because the BANA was crying too hard to hold the camera up T.T) I'm especially glad you liked it bc I was a little worried that this was one of those things that an unbiased viewer doesn't find as interesting as a biased one (and I am VERY biased lol) but I also thought it was really cool to see all the stuff behind-the-scenes. Even stuff like the stage being a little narrower than the practice room and throwing off their formations, I would never have thought of it. That and actually straight talk about losing members, I feel like it would be easier on fans if groups were up-front about things like that more. And like...on the one hand CNU takes way too much responsibility on to himself, BANA keep scolding him for apologizing but he keeps saying sorry all the time...but on the other I was absolutely gutted when everything went down, both losing members then CNU getting drafted, and having my feelings worried about and acknowledged by the boys took a weight off me. As irrational as that may be :') Thank you again for the reaction! No need to apologize for the timing, it's MBC's fault for being stupid and blocking it XD I hope you enjoy the album listen later in the month, and be assured that there is more B1A4 in your future if I have anything to say about it :>