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It is that time again. Help me pick the next NCT album I should listen to!

Just a couple of quick notes:

1. Ima explain a bit more my thing with the layered voice choruses in the next album, simply to explain myself a bit BUT I want to say that it's not something I hate and it doesn't detract from my enjoyment of an album, it's just not my personal favorite thing in a song. So I guess just don't worry too much about it.

2. In case anyone else is unsure: these Friday listens are 1 group per month. I'm not doing every single NCT album until they're done. I'm doing 4 NCT album listens throughout February. Once March comes around, I will put up a new poll to choose a new group for me to do Friday listens for that month. I've seen a couple misconceptions around and wanted to clear that up. This is a monthly thing, with a different group every month.

Okay enough talking. Go forth and vote mon squishies!



Cherry Bomb has like 5 songs and 2 of them are Cherry Bomb, guys! Lol

Julie Silva

limitless has the best 127 bsides

Elizabeth Seravello

do you think that if next week it ends up with the top two albums in the poll being mini albums, so that you get more songs you could just combine them in one reaction?? Since a lot of the albums are minis. It was just an idea I had