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So much feel good happening in this album I'm here for it *hides still lonely under the rug*



- Kaia




"mansae" means something along the lines of "hurray!" haha so it doesn't in any way mean Monday to Saturday, it's just a playful nod to the original bop that is Mansae thanks for reacting to this album :) Still Lonely is my favourite Seventeen song, it's nice to see someone else like it too!

Amber Domi

There's a cute simple mv for Love Letter, this mv was shown at the shining diamond concert but unlike the official version it was shown with the background noises still in there and vernon quite funnily just says 'what the fuck' at one point hahaha

krizhe ming

The Shining Diamond Perf ver. in this album is just a dance remix one, that's why you can't find a lyric video as well. It's their performance that you should see to appreciate that track... While NO F.U.N is one of the oldest baby of Woozi, he made during predebut days and choreographed and performed by Team A (Jeonghan, Hoshi and Wonwoo) on 17 Project that's why it is one of the most anticipated tracks when they debuted but it took several albums before it was offered to public, now with 13members and our fave rap line of Wonwoo ("...manners maketh a man") taken out.


Our rankings are pretty similar! I love the versatility of this album, hence why I’ve been voting for it from the beginning 💁🏻‍♀️ So many emo songs with such upbeat vibes bless these boys 1. Still Lonely (one of my fav SVT tracks) 2. Love Letter (perhaps my fav feel good SVT track) 3. Hit Song (chill vibes demanding a hit song I love it) 4. Chuck (they have a live perf in the rain that is glorious) 5. Healing - it’s so sweet and fun and uplifting I love these monsters 6. Simple - I’m simply biased! Also I’ll take a solo Woozi rock album any day now plz 7. No F.U.N. - definitely higher due to their performances of it but I also won’t stand for such slander 8. Say Yes - would have preferred if they kept the instrumental really bare until the very end but this is obviously gorgeous 9. Drift Away - Minghao singing the chorus is beautiful stunning unbeatable etc 10. Adore U (VU) - I honestly hated that all of the unit songs were remakes but this is clearly the best one 11. Space - it’s pleasant but not remarkable 12. Monday to Saturday (HHU) - eh would have liked it more if they just made a new song instead of inserting the Mansae chorus 13. Shining Diamond (PU) - honestly the only SVT song in existence where I’m just like... why?


watching this before my very first seventeen concert♡


I love Say yes ♥️ and like dance for no fun and Chuck. you should see their live stage for the songs: * No F.U.N. * Drift away * Chuck * Say yes * Space


I've been waiting for this album listen so you could listen to Simple. Simple is the reason I started biasing Woozi. He was my first bias and remains my #1 ult bias to this day so this song means so much to me. I honestly find the lyrics so fascinating and unique. Also, I haven't watched these lyric videos in a long time and I forgot how much sass they had when they were younger like damn boys.

Madina Hanf

The Shining diamond PU Ver. is more like a remix of the original Shining Diamond. I think they make it like that as a back track of a performance that really focused on choreography or dance performance (if I remember it right, they didn't sing or rap at all in the performance). As for the original Shining Diamond, why it hold so much meaning for carats is because it was the first original song that they performed it to public in their reality show "Seventeen Project Debut Big Plan" where they were given a missions to complete to achieve a live streamed debut showcase which is svt later become the first boy group that able to do that. The song is where carats name came from cause the meaning of the song is basically comparing svt with diamond who come out from the dirt after getting so much pressure, so that's why the fans are called carats cause the the greater the number of carats, the more valuable the diamond is, or basically carats value svt. Shining Dimaond is their first mission where they were told to perform their original song with their own choreography to win public hearts (kinda similar with hellevator to stray kids). The song and the clip of the performance video was used in the intro or opening of the show too. And for addition, No F.U.N and Drift Away were performed for the first time in that show too. Both of the song are performed in the 5th ep in a random unit mission, with original unit jeonghan, hoshi, and wonwoo (A Team) for No F.U.N and joshua, the8, seungkwan, and vernon (D Team) for Drift Away. Both team got tied with the highest score for public vote but the No F.U.N performance got higher score from the judges score so A Team won the mission. The No F.U.N song was inspired from the movie kingsman, and both of the version of the song (A Team and ot13 svt) using umbrella as a props in the performance and it was dope. People have been waiting for the complete song and the full performance. I think that's why lot's of people love No F.U.N


Omg yesss, your favorites from this album are Healing and Still Lonely which are literally mine too! Healing is one of my go to pick-me-up songs. It just cheers me up, and the effect multiplies if I read the lyrics while listening to it. That is just such a sweet song. Still Lonely has such a contrast between the song and the lyrics that just gets me. It's a good song to chill and bop to, but then you'll read the lyrics to it and realize how sad the song actually is, haha. Can't See the End is easily one of my favorites from Hip Hop Unit. Just from the lyrics alone. It's like, from their heart, which is why people can relate to it in one way or another and also why that song hits me in the heart. This is also why I really like Trauma, the lyrics hits so close to home. Lol, I have soft spot for HHU songs that hurts me. Oh, for Performance Unit. Their earlier songs focused more on the performance aspect, which is why you should watch their stages for it to get the full experience, like for this one, and Swimming Fool, and also their songs from the 1st and 2nd Mini Albums which you haven't reacted to yet. Hopefully you can watch those sometime later~ Also, this Shining Diamond is like a remix of the original version. They re-recorded some lines I believe (cause some of those aren't sung by a performance unit member in the original if I remember correctly) but also kept some from the original. They made this version with their performance in mind so hope you'll see it. I'll also be waiting for you to hear the original version through 17 Project~!

Jade V

This album was made during the period where they exploded in popularity after their 2nd mini album and Mansae. From some of the songs, you can tell they were struggling with how to deal with their newfound popularity and how to live up to the expectations of their fans. But they wrap it up in the kind of youthfulness and hopefulness for the future they could only present at that age (they were 16-20 yo). No F.U.N and Drift Away are remastered predebut songs. They were released during their predebut show 17 Project, for a mission where they got split in different teams and had to prepare a performance in a few days. Woozi ended up with basically ~a week to make and record different songs for the different teams, while also having to practice for his own performance with his team. Not mentioning that he was also still working on their debut album while doing all that... Edit : You should watch Chuck live, it's the kind of "hard and edgy" Seventeen you don't see that much, except on few songs like Getting Closer. Plus Seungkwan slightly changes the melody for the last prechorus when he sings it live which makes the performance even better. Edit 2 : Mansae just means Hurray! in korean. The Monday to Saturday thing comes from an acrostic poem that Joshua did on the spot during a concert using the syllables from Mansae (Man : Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday - Sae : Saturday !). Hip Hop team found that so funny they used it in their song :)