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Hey everyone!

First of all, thank you to everyone who filled out a form for this, there were a whole lot more of you than I expected so that was very cool. 

Second, through the use of a very high-tech random number generator (aka google) I have selected the 9 of you that are gonna be included in the video! If you didn't get selected, it's all good. There's always gonna be more of these videos later down the line so feel free to try again there. 

The 9 are:

Tali   |   Laura   |   DominicK   |   Irving V.   |   Bailey   |   Susan   |   Kayla   |   Amber   |   Zay

I went with 9 in the end because there were so many submissions and, including me, that makes a nice round 10.

You 9 that have been chosen, can you drop me a message either here or on Discord just to confirm everything please!

ALSO I will, very soon, be doing a livestream where we'll go through some of the fun stuff mentioned on your forms and react to it so even if you haven't been chosen, we can still have some fun with everything! I'll let you know when that is as soon as I have a date & time in mind.

That's all for now. Looking forward to making the video!

- Kaia



I can't wait!

V G (Zay)

I'd like to thank the academy.... ㅋㅋㅋ and am also looking forward to browsing the whole big spreadsheet and seeing everyone's answers! Fun!

Amber Domi

omg I'm excited!!!


Can't wait to see what all if the opinions will be!!


excited to see everyone's picks!! also i love the livestream idea, sounds like it'll be fun


Omg!!! yess I'm excited 🙌


I legit forgot most of what I answered so this will be Fun 🤣


Wow surprised I was chosen! Very exciting, I can hardly remember what I put hah