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Hey guys me again,

So as you know yesterday I made a post asking for ideas for Me vs. Patrons videos and you guys came through so thank you.

Here's the plan! I'm gonna make two videos. The second will be later down the line (like maybe for Christmas or something idk) and will be a "favorite & least favorite songs per group" kinda video. But the first video is the one we're gonna start sorting out today and will be much broader and bigger in its topics.

Below is a link to a google form! There are about 40 questions which yes, is a lot, but you know what it's fun so screw it. If you wanna take part in the video, head over to the form, fill it out and submit it! I will then choose a selection of them (at random) at some point in the next couple of days and start making the video.


As a note: please please please try and fill out the form as much as possible. Part of the fun of these videos is seeing the diversity across all these kinds of topics and if your form is missing a load of questions, I won't include it in the ones I choose from. Now if it's only missing a couple, then that's chill but basically what I'm saying is this is highkey a multi-stan kind of event so take that into account before heading to the form!

Okay, have fun, see you on the other side. Hope you guys find this easier than I did to fill out....

Looking forward to seeing your answers!

- Kaia



This really made me think!

Yan J.

wow I had some fun filling that o.o


Accidentally refreshed the form and had to do it over again, but it was really fun filling it in and gave me lots of internal struggle of who to choose 😅


I never realised how much VIXX was my ult group until I filled this in 😅 but it was a lot of fun!


filling this in took forever.. i change my mind way too often😅


I don't understand a few categories XD Favorite non-idol group/artist as in non-kpop, an actor or what exactly? 🤔 And for favorite concept overall, should we post a song that includes the favorite concept we like or a group, an album..? Excuse my gold fish brain! 😅

Amber Domi

is it ok if I wait for seventeen and loona's comebacks?


please my mind changes day to day depending on my mood and who has my heart at the moment, this was the most difficult thing I've done and I guarantee if I filled it out tomorrow my answers would be different LOL 😅 it was a lot of fun tho!


Is it chill if I only listen to say 4-5 groups so my answers aren't super super diverse in THAT sense?


oh this is so fun and really made me think about things!! i feel like a lot of my answers are seventeen or loona related since they are my favourite groups but i tried to be diverse with my answers!! the life of a multi


Yeah that's okay, just wanna make sure we don't have huge gaps in the answers you know?


So originally my intent with non-idol group/artist was to talk about Korean musicians that aren't ~Idols~ Then as for concept, you don't have to put a certain song (unless you have a particular one in mind that you want me to include) you can just say generally what your favorite concept is. Do you like cute, dark, elegant, retro, game etc


Big big big big mood. I'm gonna put a disclaimer in the video saying pretty much exactly that bc yeah my mind changes constantly


This was hard. Meh..

Sandra l.

oh my that was harder than I thought... I think i was a bit all over the place but oh well lol at least it really shows what groups I'm into... apparently right now it's dreamcatcher and Akmu. Not bad lol


Can we list more than one group as an answer or no? As a huge Girl Group multi this is killing my soul lol. And its making me think about boy groups which I dont follow as much. Very fun challenge!


Will attempt to not put SNSD for every eligible category


The "best x song" categories made me realise I really don't take any notice of lyrics at all lol


took me ages, but i did it! its so hard narrowing things down wow


A couple of double answers here and there is okay but keep in mind there are 40 categories and I have to edit it all together lmao


I'm just trusting my first instict but i feel that i am forgetting a loooot of songs that i love anyways i hope you like my list 🤞🤞


Relatable. I know I'm gonna kick myself after I post the video and remember all the amazing songs and stuff I left off


Oh my god its gonna be absolutely impossible for me to choose just 1 answer with some of these I can already tell :') Update: NEVERMIND, it hurt but I did it. I'm sure I will regret my answers in a few minutes though lmao


Is it kpop only ? Because my favorite band for example is a japanese band but I don't know if I can answer that.


As a rampant multi this was the hardest thing i've ever done XD


It took me 1.30hrs filling this out. Also, it looked like I only listen to TWICE (I mean, I do) but I hope having some more ggs in other categories kinda diversify my answers. Also, I only listen to ggs, so not sure how much gaps excess to not be included in your tally. At least I didn’t make shit up 👍🏻

Scott Louis

That was so fun!!! Had me listening to songs I hadn’t listened to in a minute!


fyi some of your questions are evil, I may lose sleep😂I'm half done and might need a 2nd day to parcel out love songs, breakup songs and CF tunes. Feel like you are really trying to get to know your viewers on a deeper psych' level Doc'. Going to try to not pick my bias group for every category..just so you know, I could! Seriously, I like this idea and looking fwd to the videos


Oh god I’ve submitted it but I just realised I put the wrong answer for one of them

Lance Ma

This was interesting, had me go down on memory lane, turns out I like more old stuff than new.


Arguably the hardest form I've ever had to fill out in my life😅 But that's 100% on me being an old kpopper and all lol. Excited for this content!!

V G (Zay)

I re-filled and re-submitted it bc B1A4 ORIGINE AOTY ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Yan J.

ok after listening to Loonas new album Voice is my favorite track atm. Too lazy to re-submit but I wanted to share this masterpiece with you. Hope you listen to the whole album


I know I'm too late to be in the video, but you mentioned you might do a livestream and check out some answers, so I'm filling it out anyway lol

DarkWolf9131 _

This was the hardest thing ever😂 my multistan ass is having a panic attack rn