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Hey everyone!

This is just a quick announcement of sorts. So, a few days ago I started a new job. It's not full time so I will have enough time to do that and maintain the amount of content I upload quite comfortably HOWEVER it is very physically demanding and for the next couple of weeks my body is gonna be going through a bit of an adjustment period (to give you an idea, my fitbit registered over 26,000 steps every day I've worked at this job so far which is... many).

What this means is that over the next couple of weeks, things might not completely fit into the schedule I've been working to up until now. Like how Going Seventeen didn't go up yesterday, as an example. I will still aim to get one episode a week up of the things I do weekly but I just ask for a bit of patience in terms of when in the week they go up.

After my body has adjusted and I'm not working as much overtime trying to learn everything I need to, things will start going back to normal :).

Tbh I don't know if things are gonna be affected that badly, it might be fine for the most part but just in case, I wanted you guys to be aware of what was going on rather than me making a new post for every little update!

Hope this is all good with you guys and you enjoy the content regardless of the day.

Haaaaaave a good morning/day/evening/night!

- Kaia


mick mick mick

we understand !!! don’t over stress yourself too much!!!! i hope you like your new job :)

Cactus Tony

Congrats on the new job! You're going to need that extra cash for all the future album purchases. Honestly it may be better for your wallet to get into a cheaper habit like sports betting or blackjack.


That's okay! Your life and stuff comes first, we understand! Take all the time you need. If things happen on schedule, then they do, and if they don't, that's okay too!


Please get lots of rest! 💕 I know how draining physical jobs can be even if it’s just part time and sometimes you end up sitting on your bed too tired to even use the bathroom (or maybe that was just me 😂) but don’t stress too much!


Congrats and good luck with the new job!

Irene K

I can feel your pain. My last job was so physically tiring my phone counted 25-30,000 steps per day . My feet were full of bruises and swollen for like a solid month. My advice: Buy some good shoes(for long distance runners) it will change yout life.


Congrats on your new job!! Take your time, we’ll be here. ( :


Totally understandable! Don't worry!

V G (Zay)

Congrats on the new job! I hope the physical activity ends up being a silver lining and you adjust easily <3


We understand and support. Congrats on new job, take time for your personal well being too🌻


Just take care of your health Kaia. Thats number 1


Don't worry and take all the time you need!! :D


Don't burn yourself out! We can wait!