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I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't sure if I was going to post this or not given that a certain person features in it. But then I figured, that person does not represent the group as a whole even slightly and it's easy enough to enjoy the rest of the members and ignore him. Normally this will go up on Fridays but I wanted to make a few edits given that I recorded this before I saw all the news which is why it's a little late.

Depending on what people's thoughts are, I may delay this series for a little while and watch something else, I may not. Let me know what you guys think. I don't want to post anything that might make anyone uncomfortable.

Regardless, here's the reaction. Tbh for the most part this episode is me just loving Aussie line and Changbin and getting very excited over seeing pre-debut Itzy so...


- Kaia




Yeah, I think they released their pre-debut MV about a week or so before the show aired so people knew already. Personally, I would be ok with you continuing the show as I know you are always very respectful and considerate regarding sensitive topics, but I would also completely understand if you want to delay it or watch something else. It's been a while since I've seen the show but I don't remember there being that much focus on that member. If you or other Patron's don't feel comfortable watching this there is always other content you could watch to get to know the members and their history/relationships such as two kids rooms which are shorter episodes and have the members in changing pairings just chatting or the newer version one kids room which has the group as 8.


Don't worry. There isn't much Focus on the former Member so you won't have to try too hard to ignore him!


same as Seashell tbh; I'm comfortable with it because I know you'll approach it with care and sensitivity, but if other patrons say they're uncomfortable or if you yourself are uncomfortable I'm fine with some other show/content 💜


I totally agree with Seashell/BaoziBang/Jess K, I'm okay with it, it's plenty easy enough to ignore him and support the other members. There's some really good content about the other members in this show, it's showcases their growth as artists and I really do think it's a good watch if you want to get to know them but of course there are other ways to see their growth too. Maybe you could put up a poll to see what other patrons think? Personally I'm okay with it but if there are people who don't feel comfortable watching it I totally respect that too <3 thanks for being aware of the situation and conferring with us first though!


i agree with everyone else! he didn't get much screentime for this so it's fairly easy to ignore him. that said, if you change your mind about your comfort level with this i think we're all on the same page about being okay with you watching something else! if you do decide to watch something else (or just something further down the line!) i really reccomend "two kids room" since it's less about them as ARTISTS and more as people since they just sit two of them down in a room and have them talk :) it's super cute and a great way to get to know the boys and their group dynamics! ( + there are a couple spinoffs and it's very easy to skip the former member's appearances all together since he's mentioned by name in any episode he's in!)