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Hey guys, 

Due to the, uhhhhh, onslaught that was Dreamcatcher and Itzy coming back today (and me having to go to work for most of the day as well), I'm going to postpone this week's reaction to Going Seventeen until tomorrow.

I'm too over-hyped for what are two of my favourite girl groups and I just know my reaction to GoSVT won't be what I want it to be because I'll be distracted. So I'd rather give myself an extra day and start fresh with it tomorrow. Hope you guys understand!

See you then,

- Kaia

p.s. stan dreamcatcher, stan talent



Totally understand! There’s a lot of kpop happening this Monday ahaha


Totally understand! Love that you treat the quality of your video seriously. I’m sure it’ll worth the wait, both your reaction and any content of our 13 precious boys!