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-----Personal Comment-----

This one was a tough one for me to decide on.
Not so much the scene, but the character itself. People kept linking Azucena to me and I just couldn't stand the overwhelming focus on her babbling on and on and on about coffee with her seemingly not being able to say a single word that wasn't related to coffee which, me as a wrestling fan would call an outright "Jobber gimmick".
Obviously that bothered me. And I disliked her before the game even came out.
But when it did come out, and here is where the toughness comes in cause, disliking a character isn't really a struggle..
I played against her and got grabbed and she performed a really awesome grab.
Then it happened again, and another new grab that was awesome happened.
Then again.. and again?.. and again!  AND AGAIN?! Holy shit what is that move?!!

And here is my struggle. I hate what she says. I hate what she's portrayed to be and I want to simply say that it's not a good personality to attach to a fighting-game character that we are supposed to take seriously. But when I fought her as Asuka and got surprised with all of her moves, I found myself being unsure about my decision. A part of me still hated what she is. But the other couldn't believe how this is the very first character where I can genuinely say that "I enjoy every single 'throw' she has." And with this being one of them, I think you understand how a bit of a conflict had now started within me.

I wish she would talk less about coffee or maybe even stop mentioning it at all for her to be less gimmicky.. BUT.. Even though I kinda hate to say it in a way.. I still kind of like her.
I think her throws make her very very interesting, which I don't think is an excuse for her character being needlessly overly gimmicky BUT.. I think I can give her a personality a pass and focus on the very pleasent aspects that she has.

What do you think about her? Did she surprise you too?
Usually I write out stories but, I found that, writing down my own experience with her might be interesting too. And with a bit of creativity, it can be quickly transformed into a story by a clever viewer.
Think.. that me playing Asuka and hating her, was Asuka standing in front of her, barely paying any attention because of just how much of a clown Asuka perceived her opponent to be. Constantly saying one thing that relates to coffee after the other. And Asuka gets bored and just wants the match to start and get it over with.
Yet as soon as it starts, she gets tackled down immediately and locked into this hold. Her cheeks turn red as she realizes in just what kind of an embarrassing situation she now finds herself in.
She grabs her opponents ankle, pushes it.. pulls on it.. She can't get out.
Then she grabs her lower leg and tries to push it upwards and away from her.. Still nothing!
Then in a much more frantic manner, she begins to panic and grabs those big thighs, pushing them, pulling on them.. grasping and squeezing them with her hands as she suddenly realizes that she was had lost to the person she considered to be a mere clown.
Her attempts to grasp at those thighs quickly turn into frantic tapping as she begins to freak-out with her body screaming at her that while it has only been less than a handful of seconds, this hold that she was in was so expertly locked in with her opponent possessing so much overwhelming strength to squeeze her? That she was seconds away from being knocked out due to multiple factors. Not just air, but also the blood-circulation being stopped due to just how tight the hold is.
And all of that.. as she stares onto the embarrassing sight that makes her blush even more as she was tapping, with cameras being pointed on her all over the place as her face was being squished by a mixture of thighs and glutes and pure squeezing-power.

And here I shall ask again, what was your experience with her? Did you feel something similar when it comes to her? Or did you have a different experience? Let me know, I am rather curious~

(PS: While delving down into this story I nearly forgot to mention that I tried something experimental with this photoset. I tried to add the actual tapping as a proper motion with motion-blurr for this photoset. Do you like it? Or do you think it wasn't necessary? It did take me quite a bit more time since it was the first time of applying this to a photoset, but I am curious if it's something you enjoy a lot and if it added something special for you~)




I usually don't ask for this but: Please make sure, even if it's a longer one, to read the description. I am highly intrigued to what your opinion on this topic of Azucena is and I would greatly appreciate some responses~ Hope you enjoy!


I would prefer Lucky Chloe to return, honestly and I hope she eventually does. But Azucena is not all bad. And her gimmick about coffee is no different from Ganryu wanting to marry Michelle and later Julia or, to be closer, Xiaoyu's obsession with Jin or Christie's with Eddy. It the easiest identifiable thing about her and it helps distinguish her from other fighters. Even if she's not entirely serious, I like her.


Asuka is in heaven. Honestly, gameplay wise, I enjoy her. She has a fun moveset and I like her throws. Personality wise, she's meh to me. I don't mind her high energy. But the constant talk of coffee does get annoying. Though I do find it kind of funny that she basically joined the devil just to sell coffee during the story.