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Story and Personal Comment:
Asuka is giving me some serious Chun-li vibes with her new set of legs. It sort of suits her! In a way, I had aimed for such a look. While I didn't want to go as far as give her Chun-Li-level thighs, I did plan to make her bottom-heavy or leg-heavy as she always seemed to be that way. And now that she has been training with Tina for a few months.. Well.. It seems quite fitting for her to have such a build!

ALSO!.. What a fitting way for Asuka to get some revenge on Honoka. Using one of Tina's signature moves on her new Wrestling-Rival.. Putting these strong legs to good use!

General Question to all of you:
I am stuck with a bit of a question. Some projects are more affected by it then others for some reason. This one has an odd sense of 'noise' as a few others have had it, which comes from the de-noising options with the render-engine I use. It's a tricky situation.. Since it has to be fixed from the side of the developers. So in a way.. Either.. I have to wait for it to be fixed.. or.. I need to buy more Grafik-cards to render in order to up the Sample-rate so that less noise happens overall and the denoiser can screw up less. But with the current situation on those cards.. That boils down to the same thing. Which is: Waiting.
Now to my question.. One thing I could theoretically do.. is to simply let it render longer. This would obviously mean that the projects would be a little later, and my computer would be occupied longer since it's rendering and I can't fully use it to animate something new.

So my question is.. What do you prefer? Do you prefer how it was before? With me giving it a reasonable amount of time to keep up a steady schedule? Or would you rather have things be delayed a few days longer so that instead of letting such things render for 2 Days.. I'll give it.. let's say 4?
I may make a poll about this. Letting it render longer may lead to me releasing one project less per month. But it would help to eliminate the odd noise that sometimes pops up. Obviously it will also spike my electricity bill, but that should not keep me from picking the best decision here. So.. Do let me know.. Would you rather want these creations to look more sharp and crisp with less noise? (That would especially benefit the 4k-versions. As they Will perfectly show off what kind of noise is from video-compression and what kind of noise came straight out of rendering the project itself which can't be removed afterward.)

Do let me know. It's quite an intriguing question.
(PS: The noise might be less visible in the 720p Version because of Video compression, but it would still make quite the difference.)


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So I guess Lisa is finally going to have a "proper" fight with Asuka when she learns how Honoka got messed up? ^^


I am not sure that Lisa cares too much for anyone well being that isn't her own. But.. She might decide to poke her head into the gym for personal reasons though. The thing with honoka is... She learns super fast. Put her into a move, and she'll put it back on you but make it even tighter than the original hold within seconds. Have to hope that Asuka doesn't get too excited and drop her guard!