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I used to mention this under almost every single post, but I don't want to overdo it.
I am super happy to see how many people keep staying with me on this channel to support what I create. Even if you have just joined, chances are that I saw it on my phone and it ended up in quite happy reaction.
It's quite the beautiful thing to be able to create exactly what you like to create and still hit the taste of the people who are supporting you. So.. if you haven't heard me mention it before: Thank you for sticking around or even for considering supporting my work, or giving it a look! It really means a lot to me.

I also wanted to thank all of you for being so respectful with my content. As of right now, it has been quite a long time since I or other people have stumbled over my creations that have been illegally uploaded somewhere else. While it might sound like a minor thing, I am really glad that all of you are being so respectful with it. I have been through it before, and it can be extremely demotivating, to see people spreading your things around publicly. So I am really happy, to not have to deal with those thoughts in the back of my head. 

Another point I wanted to mention. With the upcoming Asuka-animation especially, I have realized, that my 1080TI just isn't cutting it anymore. I've been on the lookout to buy a new card for several months now, with no success. 3080's are listed for 2100€ while 3090's are listed for around 3000€. So, I wanted to upgrade to be able to increase the sample-rate for quite a while, since I really want to put out something nice for you. Usually, I need to stop where the Quality of the render for an animation is "Just good enough to not notice any big flaws". But I want to at least get to a point where I who looks at these things for hours can say "I don't see any issues that could've been fixed with a higher sample-rate."
While for the most part, these are things that 99.5% of people would never notice unless I pointed it out.. I still strongly believe that it should be a bit higher.
Way back when I started, I set myself the goal of working towards a series, which I will eventually animate. And that series was aimed to look at least just as good as the Tekken 7 Story cutscenes. The main-story that is. Like the fight with Kazuya and Heihachi. And well, while I am taking one step after the other to get closer and closer to that look, I don't want the sample-rate to be the thing that is holding it back.
Maybe you have noticed that if you look at one of my most recent photosets, that the picture seems way sharper. That is because I bump up the sample rate so high, that a single shot renders for roughly an hour on my system. While the animation frames (Since there are so many of them), I usually set them to render for around... 5-8 minutes to be able to fill the weakly uploads.
Quite the thing..

Anyways... Long story short message: I bought a 3090 for a scalper-price. 2700€ is what I paid and I believe my bank account is bleeding. So.. it's really nice to see the immense support from you guys!
While this card is insanely expensive and hugely overpriced as I would have nearly gotten two of them for that price if we are talking fairy-tale prices which are also called MSRP or store-prices.. I think that this card will still allow for quite a number of new things.
It'll sort out my viewport-issues which affect my precision when working on animations, and it'll probably render 6 times faster than my current setup does it right now.
So, expect some changes! I was planning to add a few scenes to the upcoming Asuka-animation. And I would use that new card to probably re-render the first scene and see how long it takes and to make it look even better.

Anyway.. this has been going on for way too long already. I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for being here and allowing me, to improve further and further and to offer you even more exciting things in the future!



I know it's not the same, but as an avid gamer I can imagine this hobby being quite expensive on a certain level. I bought a new PC myself last year and only thank to combining my saved funds with those of my parents. I was paying them extra monthly costs for the next 10 months, but it was totally worth it ^^


Mh, well, it's not just a hobby for me obviously. Hence why I am able to invest in it. But with those prices.. Yeah.. if it's one thing, then that would be "not cheap".. ha ha.