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You can see the FULL SET on: https://t7w.gallery

Got something new coming up! Just as I do every single other week. ha.
I hope you are excited to see Kasumi and Asuka going at it. I am unsure about the scenario. It could go in many possible directions. But judging by the black mats that are laying around the room, they were having a match.. Which.. seemed to certainly have gone well for one of them. Seems like all of those times of being stuck in a leg-choke has really paid off for Asuka. Taking down a Ninja like this is quite the hard thing to do! Kasumi should better tap out soon.

Do you enjoy these new visuals? I tried a few new things. I also changed up Asuka a bit. Usually, I ended up using an older version of my model of hers for my projects.. Because usually, I would have already made a rough pose of the situation and I simply used that file. Which usually had an older version of her in there. But this is my most recent one. And I do have to say, she looks quite good. I want to tackle her body soon to shift a few things around. As well as the legs and maybe some changes to the arms. We'll see how it goes!

The set will be here either tomorrow or the day after! Again, I hope you are excited for this one!

Also.. If you haven't already.. you can join the Patreon exclusive Discord server here:

I sometimes post Work in progress pictures there, and you'll most likely find a lot of people who enjoy the same things as you do!




Huh...I didn't think that position for a triangle choke would be feasible.


This looks promising, I like their facial expressions ^^


so sexy, many thanks for making Kasumi lose, she is my fav ryona girl ever :)


She's winning behind the scenes. Maybe, it's quite important for me to show that every now and then : P