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  • Alexa_bliss-Dominates-Asuka.webm



Didn't quite know how to preview this one, since it was just a loop. So I thought, might as well share my early working files that I had already rendered out!

This one is rendered in EVEE, which is comparable to an ingame engine. It doesn't look as good but it's fast.
Talking about.. fast.. That's one thing that the full-render that I'll 'HOPEFULLY' release tomorrow isn't. 3 days rendertime on that baby.
But it looks REALLY nice. Looking to jump over towards more animations for this month!

Also, before I forget it: I am planning to extend this one soon to make it a bit more than just a loop. I am also thinking about adding sound to this one and sharing the loop with sound with all tiers.
We'll see how things go! As of right now, I am super tired. I had to figure out so much stuff with this one that I've been quite busy. But it was totally worth it! I learned so much on this one. Sort of can't wait to start working on stuff again. ha ha.




...Oh my. That's so smooth.


The Cycles version will be even smoother! I refined and changed the animation quite a bit. Also added a lot of Visual stuff. I am glad that you seem to like this one!


so so sexy, I am loving Alexa :)


I'm liking those extra particles. And the animation looks pretty good ^^