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Here we are! My first creation in Blender.
I've got to admit, I was a little scared to switch to Blender, since I thought it would take me ages to learn. But as it turns out, I am learning pretty fast! For the most part, I need to just figure out where things are and how they work in there.

I learned a lot from this one and I'll show you a few more things very soon!

Render times are a little bit of an issue. I need to see how I can optimize those.
I'll probably render out a picture with advanced settings soon. But these take several hours.
But I will find a solution! Now.. Enjoy Honoka dominating either YOU, or an opponent of your choosing. With them laying on their backs, struggling to get up after several pinfalls and submissions.. and with Honoka keeping them down with her boot, while grinding it from side to side. Just as her mystery-teacher has told her to do!

I could either see Tina or Lisa training Honoka in such a way.
In a way, I would hope that it's Lisa. Since she would teach her new student some cruel things. Ha.

Let me know how you like the visuals on this one!
I quite like the abs.. Obviously. Honoka has been hitting the gym as it seems!


Download: --->ClickHereToSeeThePhotoset<---




I love the progression you're making with mocap and Blender, you should absolutely keep going. I think I personally just prefer the submission holds over basic trampling POVs, but that's just my opinion and that shouldn't stop you from moving onwards.


I totally agree! I wanted to do a few submission moves in Blender as my next attempt! So you should expect those soon. I'll be switching a bit with SFM and Blender though. So it's going to be very likely that the next projects will be submission-move heavy!


Sweet, I can't wait to see them. Also I don't know if you take suggestions, but I'm really fond of some of the double team moves you've shown off before. Would those happen to be in the future at some point?


I'm all for POV trampling and it looks great ^^


I wonder, could you link me to the creation that you are talking about? I don't remember doing too many double teams, unfortunately. Ha. I am definitely planning to do some double team moves in the near future!
