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I sort of wanted to make my animations and photoset a little more.. 'Intimate'.

I am still working on finishing this and it is not quite done yet.
What I have planned is.. That I will add a lot of lights and a few things to the background and maybe even adding a scene where we can see Asuka yelling out in protest!
We know how she is. She always dislikes it initially but as the time goes on..
Her pride really stands in her way sometimes!

I've got a lot of amazing things planned.

Was also thinking about doing another POV-trample.
Anyone up for that? :P

I was also thinking about doing another facesit animation very soon. My goal is to make them a little more.. sensual and intimate without forcing nudity into it.
I think you'll more than just enjoy what is about to come up! There's probably a lot of smothering and squeezing involved. Ha.
