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Short Version of the changes (Mo-cap is further down):

What will change?

  • The tier prices will change from dollar to euro. Which is my native currency. That means the tiers will change from 2$/5$/10$/20$ to 2€/5€/10€/20€.  
  • You do not have to pay the conversion fee. That will be something that gets taken care of by me.

When will this change happen?

I will change the currency tomorrow. (07th of October.) 


Will I have to do something?

- No, that change will be automatic.

 Will it change anything in the current month? 

- Also no, since the pledges get handled at the beginning of the month.
The current month is going to be completely unchanged for every single active Patron!

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Currency-Change background information:

First off: If you have any questions regarding this, do feel free to ask me in the comments, or in a personal message.

I have asked the Patreon support how it works in detail and I'll try to sum everything up as quickly as I can so that this post stays smaller than the previous one.

I am unable to adjust the tier prices.
I can only do that once, and never again. While I wanted to give a discount as long as Corona is a thing, this is not something I will be able to do.

And as far as I have understood everything: I will be the one who takes care of the conversion fee. (That only applies if you pay with a different currency than Euro. For example.. If your currency is Dollar it technically costs money to convert it into Euros. But that Conversion-costs will be taken care of by me as a creator. So you do not have to pay the conversion fee.

I was really looking forward to making this change be less abrupt, but as I have stated, I really don't have a lot of options to make that happen.
Discounts are something, that I wanted to have on patreon for quite a while. But they aren't here. It is unfortunate.. But I'll recommend it to Patreon. Maybe.. They'll end up developing a system for that in the future.

But seriously.. Thank you for the reaction to the voting poll.
I appreciate that you are able to understand my position here.
I'll make sure to treat every single one of you with something nice very soon!
Just.. need to get that whole Mo-Cap thing going. Ha ha.

Other Updates:  Motion-Capture Conversion:

As you know, I am still trying to convert my motion capture data into SFM.

I got quite frustrated with it in the last few days.
SFM models are quite janky. While Source Filmmaker understands that 'jankyness', Blender does not. And Blender is the program that I need to use to convert that data onto a model.
That process is called Re-mapping.

It always ended up in a disaster when I attempted it.
At first... It wasn't working at all. But I slowly made progress.
Now... after grinding through that frustrating problem for roughly 50 hours already.. I finally made a big breakthrough. 

Before, the model would always come up as the biggest mess that you can possibly imagine. The bones were stretched through the entire map and the model was completely unrecognizable.
But now.. You can still see that a few things are wrong.. BUT... You can roughly see what it should be. my problem areas seem to be the hips, neck, shoulders, and feet.

So to sum it up: I am close.
I do hope, that I will figure this small inaccuracy out, and that this will be the final problem that needed fixing. I was also considering learning blender instead. But I wanted to get comfortable with everything in SFM before I do that.

I'll create some photosets in the next few days, while still attempting to fix that problem.
Wish me luck!!!! Once that works.. You'll be amazed at what kind of creations you will get to see.
It will be amazing. It will be similar to the Tina-Trample animation but on an entirely different scale. It will be much more accurate and much easier.

I didn't want to attach any preview-images of where I was with that conversion process, in order to not break the 'immersion'.

But I think you deserve to see where it is right now.
Again, it is close. But there are a couple of things that needed fixing.
If you are interested in seeing .. well.. a deformed Asuka aka: my process.. You can see that here: -->Clickhere<-- 

You'll see why I am not using it already.
but it's really close.



The currency change will increase payment in my currency... but I'm willing to accept it if it will help you with your projects.


That is something that comes along with it. Since everyone had their currency converted to Dollar. And currently, the dollar price had dropped a bit. I had talked about it on an earlier post. But it will recover. And since the dollar is still on it's was to recover... I wanted to adjust the price. But unfortunately, that isn't something I can do. I really appreciate your words though! You are helping a lot. And I am glad that this change found acceptance! It was something, that I really needed for a long time. Yet, I never really thought about what this would change. Well, arguable, patreon could've given me more options. I am pretty limited when it comes to that, unfortunately.