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First of: Why Nami? I have no clue.
I tried to make an animation with one of my very first motion-capture attempts and the pose that I had, was very similar to a really old pose that I've had. And that happened to be with her.

And.. while this was only a test that I am planning to re-do with a lot of improvements.. It was still very good! And since I had it ready.. I thought that I wanted to share it with all of you.
I'm sure that a lot of you will like it!
And if you are missing Asuka.. Just picture her laying there. Ha.

Talking about the characters that I usually tend to use. I am re-working this animation with Tina. But I want to put a little bit more time into it.

This mo-cap animation was actually done with the XBOX360-Kinect. I ordered it to give mo-cap a shot and to see how it would work. Since this solution is purely on a visual level and not a very expensive/worked out one, there are a lot of flaws.
BUT.. I am about to order a proper suit. It'll take some time for it to get delivered once I ordered it and then.. I'll have to figure out how to actually use it.

But you should be looking forward to it!
Be sure to let me know what you think of the motion!
There'll be a longer version that will be released tomorrow.
It's a bit too shaky for me. I am trying to "ease" that a little bit before I show you the full thing. Since I don't want anyone to become motion-sick by watching this in an endless loop! ha ha.

ALSO... I've hit 2000hours in Source Filmmaker..
That's quite... a bit! And that is not even all of it. Since a big chunk of my render times and even a few working hours have been done on my laptop, which runs over a different account. Since apparently.. Steam is unable to run the same game twice. Even if it is free. Ha.


Download: --->ClickHereToGetTheLink<--- 



Twentk skeith

Nice. Looking forward to the works made with this tech.


I am SO loving this ^^ Also, congrats on your milestone. I myself recently reached 160 ^^ And yeah, SFM sometimes has trouble running on even one account ,especially when you load a new project after finishing old, then it just crashes xD


Are you trying to overtake me? : P My SFM projects usually don't last that long and I either have to restart the program quite often, or it will crash on me every hour. So.. whenever I start a new project.. It will probably not result in a crash for me. Although.. I did that yesterday. And it actually crashed. ha.