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  • Highschool-Bully.mov
  • PHONEUSERS-LOWQUALITY-Highschool-bully.m4v



This is a little bit of an early release! I will let it render through one more time and change some things up. Sometimes you can only see them once everything is rendered out.

But I simply could not let you wait any longer!
I really hope you like it. I am thinking about mixing up some shots to make it seem longer. I have a nice idea in my head on how to handle things.  I may even add some sounds to this one if I decide to make this animation longer. Let me know what you think of it!




That's some nice effects with that aperture and FOV. Looks good ^^


Thank you so much! I am glad that you´ve liked it! You don´t know how difficult it was to achieve these shadows and the effect of the sun coming through the window Haha