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-----Personal Comment-----

It's been quite a while since we have last seen Helena. Last we had seen of her, was her posing on the beach like the goddess she is, staring off into the distance.
I assume that she got disturbed in that act and deemed it do be necessary, to dish out a punishment for such an uncalled interruption.

How do you like the newest set? I'm still working on Elevating a lot of aspects about everything I create for you, I hope you enjoy it~

I also attached a little.. 'coming soon' picture as a bonus for all of you, for something, that might soon make it here.. I wonder what that would be~

As a little sidenote: I ended up being rather surprised that the kissing-scene actually won! I'll start working on it right away, and it'll be quite awesome. Just gotta wonder who'll be the lucky 'winner' of Tina's dominant embrace~



My best friend Lober

Holy shit this is good The coming soon thing too I need this fr