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Listen to the saga of Isdor, graced by the Everspring moon's gaze," the bard intones, his voice a melody of intrigue and reverence. "A youth of divine promise, Isdor and his mace of shining light banished the darkness, a beacon in the blackest nights. But in the treacherous marshes, betrayal's shadow fell upon him. Swallowed by the Order, he vanished, leaving whispers of a guardian cloaked in secrets. This lost saint, Isdor, remains a figure of legend, a hero enshrouded in the mists of time and tale.

Saint Isdor is one of our megabosses for our upcoming Kickstarter campaign - Erevan's Guide to Death and Beyond! 

Saint Isdor will terrorize heroes on the table as a 100mm base miniature and will be featured in the book along with his grim lore, different phases of boss combat, all playable at multiple levels!

Here is a glimpse of the key art for Saint Isdor in all its glory:

Here is a bit of backstory for (not exactly) Saint Isdor..

Isdor's remarkable journey began under a celestial omen, born to Emeric, the village priest, and destined for greatness. A child prodigy, Isdor's deep immersion in religious lore and philosophy was evident from a young age. His heroic feat as a child, leading his village against undead attackers with both bravery and tactical genius, caught the attention of the Order of the Ashen Rose. Swiftly rising within the Order, Isdor became a living symbol of their divine crusade, achieving sainthood while still alive.

However, his meteoric rise planted seeds of envy and betrayal. Betrayed during a mission in the Dread Marshes, Isdor was cursed by a dying necromancer and transformed into a grotesque abomination by the malevolent Heart of Shadows. Concealed by the Order to avoid scandal, he was confined to Rosefire Tower. In isolation, Isdor authored the 'Canticles of Contradiction,' exploring the dichotomy of light and darkness.

Now known as the "Risen Saint," Isdor's tale unfolds in the hushed corridors of the Order. His spectral presence, draped in tattered robes, embodies the paradox of a once-holy warrior. The whispers from Isdor, though barely audible, offer cryptic guidance and glimpses of prophetic visions, exposing not only his profound tragedy but also the veiled hypocrisy within the Order. The boundaries of sanctity and corruption are blurred.. Those who encounter Saint Isdor are called to grapple with the obscured line between saints and monsters, shaking the foundations of faith and morality.

Wanna hear more about Saint Isdor? Make sure to follow the campaign HERE! 

Here is the concept art behind the fella we call Saint Isdor today - all of these pieces of art will be featured in a deluxe Art Book in the Kickstarter campaign! 

Here is a summary of what you can expect from the upcoming Kickstarter campaign 

Make sure to follow the campaign HERE!




Will the miniatures be included in the Kickstarter campaign?