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Hello all!

As you all know, we run a monthly painting contest, and we want to know your thoughts on changing the way they are structured moving forward!

Current: All entries go into the same pool for consideration for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes, regardless of the model chosen for the month.

Proposed: Entries will be tiered based on the size of the model. There will be three tiers. Each tier will have one 1st place winner.

Proposed Tiers: (sizes as listed on official rosters)

  • Legendary - Models that are 100mm+ base size
  • Epic - Models that are 50-99mm base size
  • Villanous - Models that are 23-49mm base size

Prize Changes: (same prize pool, dispersed differently)

  • What the old 1st place received would go to the new 1st place at Legendary tier.
  • What the old 2nd place received would go to the new 1st place at the Epic tier.
  • What the old 3rd place received would go to the new 1st place at the Villainous tier.

🤘 Vote and let us know in the comments what you think! 🤘


We appreciate your support!

The Archvillain Team

P.S. Yes, the render in the background of the above image is in fact a sneak peek of the hag dropping October 2nd!


Mike Stickler

Idea: How about in ADDITION to the standard voting and prizes AV picks one mini each month and awards "The road less traveled." award. Criteria is a mini not picked for 1st,2nd,3rd - that did something different (entered a small mini when the others all entered big ones, tried a technique that is unusual, broke the rules (enlarged the mini, included diorama pieces from another vendor, included several minis in their submission) submitted a mini from the wrong release (no previous entries though) - RLT prize is roughly the same as 3rd place so no one will be winning a printer off of it but you have a lot of creative followers who are doing awesome work but know they are either not eligible or know "it's cool but not going to get a lot of votes."


I'd say keep it as it is. Receiving a worse price for a better paint job simply because the mini is too small for a (current) 1st place doesn't make sense to me. It's a painting competition, meaning the best paint job should get the best reward. It's not a size competition. We pick the mini that we like the best to enter in the competition, doing these tiers tells people their choice of what they like is wrong, at least if they want to win the big prize. Seems weird to me. After some thinking a possible solution could be: 4 winners. Current 1st place - best of the month. Current 2nd&3rd - best in each tier excluding best of the month winner of course. (win 1 bottle each) still prefer the current system because this removes the significance of 2nd place but its a compromise of both systems.