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Hello all!

We hope this message finds you well.

We wanted to help shed some more light on Battlerune, our skirmish wargame we're developing! The beta rules will be released soon, and folks are already getting matches in, reporting their army lists, and giving feedback on rules over on our Discord!

To kick things off, the game developer, Vaughn Reynolds, decided to dive into this month's fantasy collection: Hissing Coils: Fang Dynasty!

Battlerune Unit Basics:

To get everyone on the same page, I think it’s important to identify two core design aspects for ALL units in the game.

Unit Ranks: Every unit has at least one rank (and in some rare cases, two). This is an expression of their strategic function within their army list. The following list is in descending power order:

  • Avatar: Gods, titans, celestial aspects, and other beings of immense power.
  • Siege: Massive beasts, catapults, tanks, and other large weapons of war.
  • Brute: Giants, abominations, large beasts and other burly smashers of things
  • Cavalry: Fast units that focus on hit-and-run or flanking tactics
  • Champion: Custom stats chosen by you from our Champion Builder to find victory on the battlefield!
  • Infantry: The rank-and-file units that make up the bulk of most army lists
  • Support: Units that focus on augmenting other units to help win the day!
  • Spells: Coming soon!

Unit Sizes: All unit size categories are approximations. The following list is in descending order by the smallest base size for that category:

  • Colossal: 125mm base size
  • Gargantuan: 100mm base size
  • Huge: 75mm base size
  • Large: 50mm base size
  • Medium: 25mm base size

Now that you understand the Unit Ranks and Unit Sizes, let’s move onto the collection for this month!

Read the full Designer's Diary here! 

Happy skirmishing!

The Archvillain Games Team



Nicolaas Wiese

Is there a video guide on how to play battle rune? Or maybe an example video of someone playing it?


Thanks, waiting for a PDF.

Vaughn Reynolds

An official video guide will come out once the rules are past Beta. For now we recommend joining in the discussion on Discord in the dedicated Battlerune channel!