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Happy Friday everyone!

If you recall, back on July 13th we teased a new product feature... and it's coming out next month!

🐉 Archvillain Bestiary Vol. I

  • Anguis, Starchaser Dragon (75mm base • 1 pose)
  • Gnarlgosot (50mm base • 1 pose)
  • Estraneo, Extraplanar Assassin (25mm base • 1 pose)

Archvillain Bestiary Features:

✅ Pre-supported
✅ Scenic Bases
✅ Standard Bases
✅ 5e Statblock
✅ Battlerune Unit Stats
✅ Added free to subscription tiers!

The Bestiary will be added monthly, FREE, to our Fantasy Villain, Fantasy Archvillain, Omniversal, and Merchant tiers!

💬 What would you like to see come out in the next Archvillain Bestiary?

Happy printing!

The Archvillain Games Team



Johnathan Chambers

This is what I love about AVG. These have so much character!


Great!! you really want me to be a lifetime suscriber, dont you?


Looks great. I hope the sci-fi branch is als a success for you and it will BE expanded like the Fantasy one over the time. Big fan of both releases every month

Johnathan Chambers

I have a question about the additional content map. When the sci-fi tier started there was a roadmap to add AVG society, and loyalty rewards to the sci-fi release at 7000 and 9000 subscribers respectively. We are just past 11k now. Is this still the plan or have we changed gears on that?


Greetings, Since we made the announcements on that particular roadmap, the Patreon platform changed the way they show subscriber count. Right now, the subscriber count includes followers as well - to clarify further - followers are not paying members. It is still in our plans to keep adding products to the sci fi line, and before the end of the year we have a big announcemet to make just for sci fi fans!

Brent van Abkoude

That Gnarlgosot is amazing I'm not even sure what kind of beast it is.

Evan Burgeson

Mmmm. Looks like Trogdor the Burninator. Ready for some BURNINATING!!!

Mike Stickler

I need to stop subscribing to stuff at 3am.... I saw these and subscribed despite not really liking August's release... Just reread this an they don't come out until next month.