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Hello Villains, Archvillains and Omniversal Archvillains!

This is our BIGGEST cross promo yet!

Arcane Minis has graciously given you all THREE amazing models ($70 MSRP) just because you are our subscribers!

What you get:

  • Drekon Bloodseeker - 1 Pose (Pre-supported)
  • Wild Argolodon - 2 Poses (+ True Scale / 5E Scale (Pre-supported))
  • Argolodon Class Frigate (Small/Medium SLA + Small/Medium FDM) (Medium SLA Pre-supported)


The Drekon Bloodseeker is from their December release:

Frosts of Issenzar + Axlar Cruiser: (see full release) 

Drekon Bloodseeker Lore

Bloodseekers are the eventual stage all whelps born without magical abilities will reach if they manage to survive for more than a decade. Considered the most vicious of all drekons, regardless of age, bloodseekers gained their name from their sadistic yet graceful fighting style designed to drain as much blood from a creature as possible. To bloodseekers, there is no greater joy than watching a creature weakened from blood loss suffer for hours at a time—these drekons treat their prey as entertainment before they eventually eat it.

Frosts of Issenzar

A growing danger hidden within Issenzar, one of Sordane’s deadliest regions, requires the aid of brave adventurers to be defeated. A drekon has recently finished hibernating and emerged a powerful tyrant, capable of leveling the isolated villages of Issenzar with ease. His tribe, a horde of bloodthirsty drekons, have recently destroyed a titaran village to loot it in hopes of appeasing their new ruler. Can the adventurers stand up to the might of the tribe, or will the tyrant’s reign of terror continue?

Axlar Class Cruiser

Axlar cruisers are often viewed by the majority of Sordane as the weirdest creature in the sky tamer’s arsenal. Resemblinga large flying hermit crab, the spike-covered carapace and long tentacles often cause people to mistake the axlar for a cuthari airship at first. Despite being an oddity, these creatures have earned themselves a reputation as ship killers, able to capture and crush all but the largest of ships between their powerful pincers. Most airships that come into combat with an axlar will often be seen keeping their distance, attempting to avoid capture. Unlike other creatures used as airships by Sordane’s sky taming groups, the axlar is not affixed with a howdah. Instead, the hull of the ship is affixed to the creature’s body, with rooms and hallways carved into its flesh (they are carefully constructed, however, to avoid any internal organs).

See the full release here. 


These models will only be available to download until December 31st, 2022!  

Happy Printing,  

The Archvillain Games Team

P.S. These models are shared between the Archvillain Games and Arcane Minis Subscribers as a cross-promotion. It will not be available in the Archvillain Games store later and is not a part of a Archvillain Games Monthly Release. These models will not be fulfilled on any other platform other than this post. These files are protected by the Arcane Minis and the Archvillain Games terms and conditions of use and as such it may not be used commercially in any way. These models can NOT be sold by any merchant member of the Archvillain Games subscription.



Adam Cronin

I second the last message, please add to my mini factory like the rest! PLEASE!!!

Tomás López López

Will it be shared via mmf or is only a patreon download thing??


Love this promo

Jonathan Bergwick

I've looked at their ships before but never pulled the trigger. Great way to see if I like them. Thanks!

Ryans class

I've been wanting to buy that ship for a few months now! I just subbed them yesterday. I am super excited. Thank you very much.

Vinnie Simonetti

I've backed every Arcane Minis campaign. Didn't really need the a new airship every month, but that doesn't mean I didn't want them anyway. So this is an awesome cross promo.

Maria Hacker

I'm experiencing issues with the download... it only works for one of the three files. Is there anything I can do to change that? I would appreciate any help, thanks!

Vaughn Reynolds

Are you trying to download them individually or zipped? If you've been doing one, try the other, and let us know.

War Mammoth

Thank you both!

Incandescent Dragon Creations

can't download them due to you using the horrible and invasive my air bridge. please use something that is not trying to access my computer. I will NEVER use my air bridge due ti its invasive nature! I have no clue why people would ever consider it acceptable to allow some site to access their computer. It is not safe!