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Hello all!

What are you waiting for? Become a licensed merchant now!  

You read that right! After more than a year of the merchant doors being closed, they are now WIDE OPEN!

Only Merchants of the new tier are licensed to sell prints of both the Fantasy and Sci-fi models they have gained through subscribing here on Patreon or legally purchasing through our MyMiniFactory shop while maintaining an active merchant license.

📝 There will also be an Official Merchant List shown at ArchvillainGames.com.

Current merchants may maintain their current license have until January 1st, 2023 to transition to the new merchant tier. On January 1st, 2023, the old merchant tier and its license will be defunct.

🛑 Selling or in any way distributing our STLs or any other digital files is theft of our intellectual property and hurts the financial stability of every artist and employee of Archvillain Games.

We look forward to growing with our new merchants helping us bring our models to more happy tabletops!

We very much appreciate your support in all of this and as we grow, and thank you from the bottom of our black hearts!

Happy printing,

The Archvillain Games Team




On the one hand I'm really glad to see this Patreon open up to physical print merchant licensing. But on the other the pricing seems totally out of touch with the margins of small volume (i.e. not mass produced/cast) miniatures and the competition from other merchant licenses. Might as well have made it 1k per month. Good luck to those that buy in!


I am honestly a bit shocked and confused by the pricing and the lack of limitation of licences. All that will happen is the bigger sellers will get them (and keep them) as they can justify the loss in the long term. Am I bitter as a smaller seller that this means that this is not really a viable option for me? Sure. As a supporter of archvillan for over 2 years, I feel like this is a bit of a kick in the nads to smaller sellers and isn't done for the community but a simple cash grab. I echo your sentiment. "Good luck to those that buy in"


Why no December preview yet? :(


So we get the equivalent of two patreons (good) at 4 times the average price (very bad) .... hard pass.

Josh Gelinas

I love archevillain and want to see them do well, been a subscriber for at least a year and a half. If this is what helps them maintain quality then good, but my biggest concern is that this wil push away quality printers who have a hard time justifying the cost and into other sculptors.


Are we allowed to do previous months


A good kick in the ass for legal merchants 👏👏👏


A hundred dollars a month? A MONTH. Absolute ridiculousness. I’m out.


Can i combine the multi part files to one file and rescale models (make them bigger or smaller?)


Hi guys, your models are great! but to raise the merchant tier to over $164 AUD you guys must be dreaming. If you want that money then you guys have to step up to the plate and offer more for the merchant tier. To ask those kind of prices is well and truly ridiculous. You guys need to work with your merchants cause they are the ones who along with you have a invested interest in the success of ArchVillan. I highly suggest you rethink your pricing.


Are you guys discussing all of these negative replies, putting them into consideration and possibly rethinking your pricing options to help keep your most loyal and longest supporting merchants myself? Not just the pricing but the fact that you had mentioned to Bailey Anderson that you will not have a limit on the amount of merchants. So if I read this right, three times the cost and unlimited amount of competition? As with any business we invest in, we need to know the risks before we make a decision. I am sure I don’t speak for myself, we all need some transparency to know if making the decision to stay makes sense for our business. There is nothing worse then entering a Business agreement not knowing what your partners intentions are. If you want to sell 500 merch accounts and charge me $99 that would be an easy decision to leave It would not make any sense to be a licensed printer for Archvillain if that were the case If it was half that, $50 a month and a 250 merch account cap, it would be something to consider. If the cost stays the same and there is a reasonable cap on merchant accounts that would be a no-brainer. Where is the happy medium for your longest diehard supporters who have invested in years worth of your STL files and a commitment to Archvillain? If you can please respond in a pm or right here I would appreciate it. Love to know what to expect before I make this decision.

Alchemy 3d Prints

why are you forcing your merchants to pay for both your fantasy and scifi models when not all of us sell both? why couldnt you have multiple merchant tiers? one for scifi, one for fantasy and one for both. that would have been the fair and right thing to do for your merchants.

Dungeon Labs

Total silence from AVG here. Not happy. Guys, understand that we aren't the MINORITY here. We are the ones that have and continue to, push your brand onto the MAJORITY of people who don't own a 3D printer, or want the minis printed professionally rather than do it themselves. Dungeon Labs has represented your minis online for 2 years, plus 2 Comic Cons and half a dozen Collector Cons (Smaller local cons in Sydney Australia). You guys are really doing your brand and your loyal merchants / customers a disservice.


I have to agree that the price hike is substantial to say the least. I agree that I should be given the choice to support both the fantasy and sci-fi lines. I would like to see a price tier for just one of the lines. I've loved representing you and selling the prints, but lets keep it fair.