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Feedback Survey:

Your opinion is very important to us!

As you know we will be launching a sci-fi subscription in November, and we'd appreciate your feedback so we can best serve you.

Take the quick survey here!


  • Next month will be Archvillain Games' 3rd birthday! And as a celebration of turning 3, we'll be doing a huge 70% OFF sale on our entire backlog on MyMiniFactory! Stay tuned for the code and the sale dates!
  • We would also like to reveal more about our upcoming tabletop wargame: Battlerune!

Battlerune is a competitive tabletop skirmish game where each player controls an army led by your custom Champion wielding the power of a Battlerune. Battle your way through the pits of Damnation, the fields of Elysium, or the infinite expanse of the Omphalos and become the most feared champion in the Drifting Havens!

More will be revealed about Battlerune in the following days as we plan to give you all a Beta version of the game next month!




Cut and paste the link into your chrome app.

Vaughn Reynolds

The link is working and shouldn't require a cut and paste, but please let us know if it's still being difficult, thank you!

John Weyen

Done and done

Scott Kirby

Survey done!! First few pics had me excited...... the new one here (Space Wolfy Viking) has me kinda meh... was hoping for more NON-GW inspired, we already have enough GW clones on MMF/Cults3D etc. More AVG, less GW ;-)

Pete Sims

Looking forward to seeing the skirmish rules, and I would like to +1 Scott Kirby's comment. Soooo much GW already, no more please.


I kind of agree Scott and have just said as much in the survey. They have brilliant fantasy designs so just go with what pulls your chain. But . . . I still like that image up top!

Bill Curran

Will there be a discount if you want both sets?


May not make sense, but I'd prefer for there to not be too much of the "Fantasy models with a sci-fi twist" with this new sub. There's enough great themes out there for sci-fi, it would be a bit sad to just have "Sci-fi skins" for fantasy themes.


Yeh I'm more on the camp of, already have enough pure sci fi patreons I can get those from, this fantasy sci fi hybrid is better for variety

Delin 20

I kinda agree with you Jin Soo, as I'd like to see a mix of the two, at least in some sets. There are a lot of Sci-fi scenes that could be explored. Much more than the ever present "Dwarves in space" or "Gothic military big bois". Im excited to see what they can come up with!


Less cyberpunk more shadowrun.


I , for one, can not wait - has the sign up page gone up? How do we subscribe?

War Mammoth

Sounds very interesting. Your promo artwork is inspiring. Hope you release that as STL.


I believe that yall could do both gw'ish and AVG original models. They would both be very welcomed

Joseph Perone

I Absolutely Love almost everything you guys put out! Just this month I stated getting disenfranchised with 40k and was looking at some smaller print and play skirmish games, REALLY REALLY EXCITED for your game!

Joseph Perone

I'd like to encourage them to do more unique space creatures, Cthulhu Mythos would be really neat to see, eldritch horrors in space please