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Greetings villainous patrons!

We want your feedback! This brief 10-question survey will help us better understand your view as a subscriber and what you prefer from our team!

Take the Survey 

We appreciate it,

The Archvillain Team



Michael Watson-Tate

Clicking on the survey icon doesn't seem to take me anywhere.


The survey "icon" is just a patreon tag to filter and group posts, not a link they added.


You have to click on "Take the Survey" from a PC/Mac browser.

Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

More "Deadly Encounters" type of dioramas, please!


Cool thing, hopefully a lot of ideas to improve it even further. Love it that you enabled thw option to see what others voted and commented. Thanks :)


Try adding RPG Characters to each release, i.e., for Speak of the Devil, add a Paladin, Priest, Sorcerer (for example) to the release, and change up the classes based on the release type (and you can even include them as pre-generated Player Characters in your associated adventure module!). Edit - I'm an idiot. I'm new and hadn't looked through everything yet. I thought the "Archvillain Society" were villains ... I didn't realize what they were!!

robin bannatyne

ive been with you for 2 years and i dont think ive ever written a thing, that being said, thank you

Vinnie Simonetti

I think you're missing the Children of the Night collection